I'm conscious that I don't naturally "expect" a long future.
I have that too.
It's weird isn't it?
And yet, here we all are.
I told my mum (who asked me "What if it's true, what will you think then?") that I couldn't worship a god who seems intent on spreading misery piecemeal around the world.
I realise that if the tsunamis in Thailand and Japan never happened, that wouldn't strengthen your faith. But they did happen. And for the people who died, I believe they are at peace, there is nothing else. But for those left behind, the pain, the anguish, the grief. Touching generations, and thousands of people. And we are overseen by a loving god?
The 9/11 attacks shook me to the core. Again, if it didn't happen, we wouldn't all be going around saying how marvellous god is because a terrorist attack didn't happen, but they did happen. And again, misery and gloom sweeps around the world.
"Ah yes, but that's Satan's system. And Jehovah's timetable."
Well, how does mankind ever have a chance? We have been imperfect since Adam & Eve, and now we have Satan and his demons roaming around, causing mischief. How would we know how manking would do on their own two feet? Look at what we do - medical research, cures, striving to be better. Yes, it goes wrong and we have wars and awfulness, but maybe that is because god is allowing Satan free reign?
And also, why make it so difficult to find this god?
"Because Satan has made it difficult".
But if God is a god of love, and desires that no one die, you'd think he'd make it easier. No?
"People have to use their free will to choose".
But if people use their freewill in the wrong way, they are doomed to die anyway? How is that free will?
I am an athiest now. I can't square these circles anymore.
(I am typing this while Kingdom Melodies 4 plays. What the feck is wrong with me?!! Haha.)
We are on this planet for a blink. Make it the best you can.