Well i declined going to my JC cause i felt they had no authority over me what so ever but they DAed me anyways(and without the decency to inform me they were even making the announcement) so if i could go back and do it all over again i would meet with them and have my so called "day in court" just so i could given them a piece of my mind and lay bare their corruptness!
JoinedPosts by Question_Mans_interpretation
At This Point In Time Would You Ever Subject Yourself To A Judicial Committee?
by minimus ini certainly wouldn't.
and if the elders wanted to have a meeting with me, i would respectfully decline.
if the elders wanted to deal with you, would you talk with them?.
Need a 1961 green JW bible.
by dogon ini have a family member that will not believe that the jws put a dinosaur in the front cover of thier bible.
i am looking for a copy that has that map inside front cover with the raptor.
if anyone has one they can sell let me know.
I have one but i cant decide if i want to part with it. Im going to check my moms collection again cause she may have one that she wont mind parting with since its not a bible the jdubs use anymore. If i find one Ill email you.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses THAT Bad?
by minimus ini'm not fond of any religious fanatic.
islamic fundies can be downright crazy.
mormonism seems silly to me.
wannabefree says it all. An inactive JW may not be shunned or treated differently 100% of the time but if they were ever to start going to another church or begin to hold other beliefs they could be facing a judicial committee in a heartbeat.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses THAT Bad?
by minimus ini'm not fond of any religious fanatic.
islamic fundies can be downright crazy.
mormonism seems silly to me.
I guess i can only speak from my perspective and congregations in my area of california. My sister who has stopped going to meetings does not get the same treatment as others do who are regular in attendance and the ministry. My family regularly excludes her and when they do invite her or have her over they would never do it with those who are "spititual strong" in the congregation for fear of "stumbling" others or bringing them into contact with "bad association"
Are Jehovah's Witnesses THAT Bad?
by minimus ini'm not fond of any religious fanatic.
islamic fundies can be downright crazy.
mormonism seems silly to me.
Not entirely, there are good qualities but they are horrible when you try to leave. There is no honorable way to leave or stop being one of jehovahs witnesses as they will shun you or see you as a spiritually weak person or bad association if you stop going to their meetings
What a Day!
by WrongweektostopsniffingGlue inalright so a couple, for lack of a better word, strange things happened today.
before i start i guess i should give some background.
i live in a densely mormon populated area where i go to a university.
I laughed reading this story cause just a few months ago i was at a birthday party where another mom was a mormom and she was putting the pressure and spin on how good mormonism is but i wasnt as nice as you. I flat out said i would never become a mormon cause i had just left a crazy religion and wasnt about to take up another one.
by Onager ini've made a few posts here already so i thought i'd introduce myself.
i'm an ex-jw from cheltenham pittville (uk) congregation.
i've been free and clear for a few years now so i'm through the anger phase and in the happily getting on with my life phase.
As an Ex-jw for 6 months now I also find the religion fascinating and certainly not boring because just by being a part of this forum im learning all sorts of things i never new! elders have secret books! Oh all the secrets! And the witnesses are plagued with pedophiles like everyone else!(i use to think we were above all that, no surpise) So much to expose and explore, definitely there is entertainment to be had. I cant help but obsess over an organization that had me so well duped.
My wife sees the lack of love and.. Any suggestions on how to proceed?
by BU2B inin the past few weeks, my wife has been seeing more and more the lack of love and caring from jws.
for example, she is organizing a "princess party" for our 4 year old daughter.
a couple of the parents have expressed reservations about this since they think princesses may be "too magical" even though we know they have been to disneyworld, and watch the disney channel.
Excellent suggestion mauiboy on reading Crisis of Conscience. That is what finally cured me of the need to somehow still be connected to the Organization. But also if it wasn't for my husbands patience and critical thinking, we would still be trapped by the false teachings.
He first had the courage to question things and do research which I at first was ok with doing but only if we researched through "appropriate material" as i didnt want to be influenced by "apostate literature". It was a battle at times with my husband but his logical head won out. What helped my thinking was A LOT of bible reading. Its funny thinking back that for all the years I was a JW(I was raised JW, a 4th generation) I did more bible reading in the 2 years we questioned and researched than my 28 years of living as a JW. I never fully understood or accepted the Societies stance on birthdays(i thought it was ridiculous you couldn't even say the words happy birthday) but like a good JW i went along with it until I read colossians 2:16,17 Romans chapter 14 and got an understanding of 1 Corithians chapter 8. The essence of these was basically to stop judging other christians for wanting to celebrate things that were special to them or that didn't bug their consciences,(Romans 14:5 one day may be special to one person but not to another)so long as the celebrations didnt cause other christians to stumble which in my mind means causing someone to stop believing in christ.
I love the above video of the hoe down in a kingdomhall cause something like that would NEVER have happened in my old kingdom hall and its sad cause they look happy and are enjoying themselves but im sure that congregation is going to be in trouble now for allowing something like that to happen cause some jw somewhere is going to judge them for it and draw the attention of the big haunchos in new york.
I hope you can get your wife to see that love and Joy are fruitages of the spirit and those who have the holy spirit will be displaying these characteristics. In conclusion Reading the bible, Crisis of Conscience, Researching the history of the organization and finding out 1914 was not the original dooms day but 1874 was, all helped break me free of a false organizaton. I hope you can progess in the right direction with your wife.
An Unexpected 2 Hour Anti-Leads to an Unexpected Return Visit
by truth_b_known ini just spent 30 minutes writing this story and lost it all before i hit submit.
i'll try to be brief.. last night a former co-worker of my wife's called saying he was on his way to the house to drop off a job he would like her to do.
we haven't seen him in over 8 years.
Im new, what is TTATT
Is the number of JWs leaving increasing?
by dozy ini don't mean jws getting stumbled or bored or getting dfd for immorality- there always have been a certain number of those all the time.. i've been out for a few years now but am curious to know from "still ins" if there is any evidence of increasing numbers of people leaving for classic "apostate" reasons - ie either fading or getting dfd because they have done research & realise that this isn't "the truth".. when i was a jw occasionally i would hear of someone suddenly stopping going to meetings & hearing through the grapevine & jw gossip mill that the person no longer believed it was the truth or had expressed doubts in the "slave" etc.
but it didn't happen very often ( though it was increasing somewhat in the years before i left).. one would imagine with the internet & increased information available to all that this would be happening more often.
any evidence of this , anecdotally?
I think growth for the whole organization is probably stagnate or maybe even starting to go negative judging by the decrease in baptisms I saw at my own assemblyhalls and district conventions. I was raised JW, 4th generation, as my great grandparents received "the truth" on their farm back east and now being 30 Ive had a little observation under my belt. I remember as a kid watching some 20 people get baptized at our assembly hall in Madera, CA and now at the last assembly I attended I think only 9 were baptized.
My husband and I were on our way out when we were disfellowshipped on grounds of "Disassociation" because we started to question the 1914 prophecy 3 years ago and had attended a few services at a local church that our elders found out about and so they formed judicial bodies against us. They couldnt just let us leave in peace and so we have had a very faith testing year because of it but we still feel blessed to have our faith in the bible and not be discouraged by a controlling organization claiming to be gods representatives. We can definitely be added into the statistics of those leaving the organization because we have questioned the doctrines and now mostly likely are labeled apostate, so our old congregation definitely has a negative growth rate as we were the 3rd and 4th people DF'd with in just a few months of some other unfortunate souls.