JoinedPosts by Question_Mans_interpretation
How many of you left the Org since 2015?
by Paul Bonanno ini have noticed that many lately have left the org or are in the process of leaving.
how many of you have left since 2015?.
this month will be my 21 years out of the org into the road of freedom.
Had my one year out anniversary in February 2015. Been an amazing year! -
What Convinced you to Leave?
by LaurenM ini've been posting here a lot, but these last few weeks have been very difficult for me.
anyways, lately, i've been thinking about confessing everything i've done to the elders and going back, but deep down, i don't really think it's the my question is, what convinced you it wasn't the truth and that leaving wasn't a horrible decision that everyone in the truth makes it out to be?
It was hard learning about some of the inconsistencies about doctrines like the destruction of Jerusalem, was it 607 or 587 and then that correlated into 1914 dating and doctrine. I kept seeing that these things couldn't possibly be biblical, because remember there are no year dates in the bible it was all recorded as the 3rd year of so and so's reign or in the 40th year of this persons reign. I got a big question sign on my head thinking how could they apply a year date like 1914 when
1. Our calendar year wasn't adopted till way after those prophecies
2. The witnesses like to count the time of prophecy using the Jewish calendar which was only 360 days and then try and apply it to the modern 365 day calendar year.
It all just didn't add up or make sense so I started see it all as man's interpretation and not gods and according to the witnesses own publications we are not to follow man's interpretations.
But after researching and studying all this I still couldn't severe my thinking that even though they don't have it right as of now, they do have the ability to change and make it right, you know, "new light". Well it was the book crisis of conscience that helped me see there could be no way that these governing body men were guided by holy spirit. It helped me see The Truth About The Truth, that I was really following men and their organization and not god or the bible.
Final note to you laurenM, the witnesses do not have "the truth", it's a truth according to men. Don't play by man's rules, you are not beholding to man in any way. If you feel the need to Confess, say a prayer to god and confess it to him alone.
What woke you up?
by Israel Ricky Gonzales inin march of 2014, i was a very active jw, a ministerial servant, gave a public talk, was an attendant for the memorial, and one of 4 cleaning captains for an international convention of 40,000+ attendees.
so what woke me up?
an innocent comment from a co-worker about the candice conti court case rang a bell that could not be unrung.
What woke me up or actually helped me start the critical thinking and questioning was the 2011 October and November watchtowers with the two part series articles on the 587 vs 607 destruction of Jerusalem. Thank you Watchtower for publishing something so eye opening and completely unsupported. From there it was learning about the whole 1874 vs 1914 christ invisible presence and then the nail in the coffin was Ray Franz's books. Cult mind eliminated -
Getting the Urge!
by Theburstbubble inevening folks, so as some of you may know we have recently decided to leave the witnesses and can see it for the man made organisation it is.
so, why do i get the urge to go back and feel guilty for not being there!
it's like my mind is telling me to be logical about it all but then something keeps pulling me back.. don't get me wrong i really want to break free from it all and i'm resisting the urge to go back as i have been miserable in the truth for a long time as i've known it's not right and want to do the best by my daughter.
For me I think the urge to go back and attend meetings was not as bad as the urge to defend them when someone was putting them down. I hated that feeling like I needed to defend them. I knew they had done so much wrong in my family but I couldn't take it when people put them in a bad light. It was a frustrating feeling of contradiction. Ray Franz's books finally cured me of that. It severed my cult brain mentality. -
Need to Vent: Well this weekend is a wash, 3 days of my life i will not get back and wife is slipping in to cult mode
by goingthruthemotions inyep, the cult fest is upon us....3 days of my life i will not get back....ughhhhhhhh.
and my wife has been slipping in to cult mode the last 2 know the look.
almost like a glazed over look with a side of guilt and a side of narrow mindedness.
Convention weekend, and you're going, right? My condolences on your time lost. This will be my second year of non attendance. It's funny but of all the boring meetings and endless"works" I had to endure growing up JW, conventions were actually exciting and I have good memories of them but I don't think I could ever endure them now in my awake state unless I was doing research and could use my time to turn what they were saying into some way to wake them up(maybe something you could do to help keep your sanity even if you cant or wont ever get the chance to share it with the wife). -
JWism retaking control of wife's family
by The JHWH ina situation regarding this religion has developed which i fear might have negative implications on me and wifes lives, and i'm looking for thoughts and advice in how to approach the situation.
i'll start with some background information to enlighten the situation.. i'm a male in mid-twenties, raised secularly, married to an ex-jw woman (on paper still a jw though), who's been raised in the jw religion, although somewhat untheocratically shall i say.
for instance her mother has 5 children with 3 different men, all non-jws, and has had many other relationships as well.
Intervene, intervene, intervene and intervene now. If the sister and her boyfriend get involved it will be harder to talk to them later once the religion gets more of a firm hold and are in their heads. If they end of getting on the band wagon anyways at least then you will have planted some seeds that may grow or come to light down the road that may help them wake up.
Catch phrases used by the GB
by stuckinarut2 ini read a comment on another thread that made me think of this topic.. how many catchphrases are used by the gb and organisation in an attempt to control or gain power or prevent questioning?
feel free to list as many as you can think of!.
i'll start:.
"Bad association spoil useful habbits"
"We are a happy people"
"Our service is joyful"
"God's people are humble"
guy says he's not guilty of murder because victim refused blood transfusion that could've saved him
by Question_Mans_interpretation ini wonder if the guy will get off the hook for murder since the jw died during surgery that he refused blood for.
I wonder if the guy will get off the hook for murder since the jw died during surgery that he refused blood for
Help, suggestion for Mother Day.
by James Mixon inex jw we are not so great in gift giving, we don't have a lot of experience.
mother day always confuse me, why should i give my wife a gift, she is not my.
Flowers are old school. Get her chocolate dipped strawberries or an Edibles Arrangement. -
I've just been disfellowshipped!
by maksutov inapparently it was announced last night.
i was not informed (for 'legal reasons'), but they phoned my dad and told him.
i understand it is due to my apostate book.
So sorry. On a happy note I'm addicted to your book, its very well written. Started reading it soon after you made the post and I'm halfway done.