In all beautiful kids. simple facilities, loving dedicated teachers and the parents and the 'People' has every right to be proud of them.
JoinedPosts by zebagain
Chinese Schools Commence Term 1, 2014 - Kids are Kids everywhere
by fulltimestudent in.
students and teachers in the special education school in changsha, capital of central china's hunan province, express "the new term has begun" in sign language.
Possible Dub pickup line
by soutx in.
hey babe, how about you and me doing a -.
generation overlap
well well.. how about some lines FROM the ladies.. Come on girls you aint equal in the truth but you can be here...
Is the Watchtower Destroying All Thinking Skills of New Witness, Compare them to when you were in the Organization!
by RottenRiley inmany jws don't know the basic doctrines we all use to debate the clergy with.. .
jws don't know the bible, the know a few proof-texts but can't handle the bible like the witnesses of 1950s-1990s, what happened?.
the caliber of the new elders is horrible when compared with the elders of 1950s-1990s, they don't know how to use their bible, they are turning towards orgnazational minor details while ignoring the bible and gospel message.. .
who said it was about the bible.? When people are baptised what is the 'oath' taken? its all about the society.I cant recall what it is please advise me.
and since when did wt want its members to think?
What would the Watchtower Society do...?
by LogCon inwhen the economy collapses, and it will, worse than 2008, far worse.... ...what would the watchtower society do if a large group of homeless jw's starting camping out at wakhill, new york, perhaps in a large 'tent city'?.
JV: Bible or wt magazine, I think there be a broader issue there than just reading matter. or did those ones in Africa believe there was some 'protection' in the bible and wt mag?
My First Special Pioneer Assignment
by fulltimestudent inmy first special pioneer assignment.- part 1.. in australia, western civilization is a thin strip of land, that hugs the coast.
all the major cities are on the coast.
i grew up on the east coast of australia where the great dividing range, as its called, runs parallel to the coast, and limits the extension of cities like sydney and brisbane.
You already have a book here my friend. Your writing is clear and it flows. and..... unlike the majority of jw you dont use 50 words when you can use 5. Go for the book!
Comfort for the Brokenhearted facebook page
by Pete Zahut ini think the jw comfort for the brokenhearted facebook page needs a few more well placed comments from the other side.
i see that a lot of jw's i know have friended this site.. the poem below is one of their offerings.. .
Yes HERE. helping etc... But where does that end? week after week of the same and burnout follows swiftly with depression , suicide, financial despair for those left behind.
The times I have entered a kh and immediately had the gaze away greeting followed by 'where is (wife)'.. ( was aside talking). Ever obsessed that couples must be seen in micron proximity. helping? encouraged. Not when the big news is the state of relationships. Once when having a pre meeting convo I dropped the word ..'separated' into my convo. Amid all the babble three different sisters looked across the hall to make eye contact one from the diagonal opp corner. The other two were not even aware they had done it.
Is it any wonder about then i stopped talking to any of them just 'hello', 'hows the baby', nod 'thats nice' and sit down face into bible.
Drinking and JWN
by BU2B ini am drinking a japanese beer called kirin ichiban right now exploring the wonderful threads of the past here on jwn.
i love this forum so much.. how many here enjoy an adult beverage while browsing jwn?
i love all of you guys :).
at the end of the day occasionally a modest glass of "Chateau cardboard"-Port is nice.
Anglican school phobia
by Frazzled UBM inafter a long and frustrating houe search in london we finally found a place that fitted all our requirements and my wife seemed happy with and i was successful in the bidding process and had our offer accepted even though it wasn't the highest beacuse we can exchange contracts quickly and now we have lawyers working on exchanging contracts soon.
so everything is going swimmingly and then my wife demands that we go and look at a house being offered by the same agent we used to make the offer on the house we are buying.
i am like wtf, if we ask the agent to see another property they will tell the vendors for the place we are buying and they will revoke acceptance of our offer and we will be back to square one.
Your the Dad do it! if the contracts are signed its done. Suggest strongly to "I dont know" that you "Do know". and if you bomb out of the just signed contract then you both may well be up for a hefty fee to the vendors of that property. Then its no house and a big fee into the bargain.
If she can not or will not say what it is that causes her this vexation then it cant be too damned important! After school clubs? Children go to school for the primary learning not the after school clubs. or is this child planning to clean windows?
rant over crap day.
Books that tell...
by zebagain inof the many books that tell another story of the wts written by ex bethelites or people with a bent for research; well i have noticed the price of these on the world market.
take the one by franz "crisis of conscience" and it is hundred s of dollars secondhand and not avalable new.
hmmm i wonder if the society or its stooges are buying up every copy and as an aside forcing the price up.
Of the many books that tell another story of the wts written by ex bethelites or people with a bent for research; well i have noticed the price of these on the world market. Take the one by franz "Crisis of Conscience" and it is hundred s of dollars secondhand and not avalable new. Hmmm I wonder if the society or its stooges are buying up every copy and as an aside forcing the price up. Comments please.
There will never be another Raymond Franz
by rory-ks ini would not be in the least surprised if a prospective new member of the governing body has to sign a legal contract promising that should they ever leave the gb, they must maintain complete silence about what goes on in the inner sanctum..
abit like so many folk who have sued and won get hit with silence clauses.