Yes i would like to see some updates.
It is a terrible pity that the "Sunday" program was dropped as it shone the light for other documentary programs to follow.
i remember seeing a sex abuse documentary on the sunday program that aired in australia.
i'm just wanting an update of those involved.
i particularly want to know what happened to those 2 elders.are they still elders.
Yes i would like to see some updates.
It is a terrible pity that the "Sunday" program was dropped as it shone the light for other documentary programs to follow.
whether canine, feline or human I extend my condolences.
about 5 minutes ago i get an article emailed to me from my mother telling me that i need to find a way to get back to jehovah and his saving arm... she read an article in a reputable newspaper that all the friends are using to show that its not just jehovahs witnesses who see religion about to get attacked by the u.n.. it concludes with a link to the article and her desire for me to please read it in light of my recent situation.. .
here is the article
the writer bill underwood is a jehovah's witness.
Oscar wilde: "If there is anything worse than being talked about its not being talked about".
The wts has been prepared in the past to drum up a social outrage against it and then scream persecution!
hey everyone i'm new here.
i'm not baptised but i've been qoute on qoute 'studying' for the past 4-5 years.
i'm almost 20. i've been lurking and i've seen a lot of posts about elderettes.
My brother married late in life. His wife to be quiet, unassuming, invisible suddently became the one sought after by sisters and her phone that rarely rang didnt stop.
i have been a witness for a long time and still serve as an elder.
there have been a lot of changes to deal with in the last six months or so since i stumbled on this site due to questions i had about all the recent changes in understanding published in the wt.
many posters here talk about a cult personality and a real personality.
see what being exposed to education does for you?
one percenter convicted of raping infant child dodges jail because he 'will not fare well'the huffington post | by ashley almanposted: 03/30/2014 10:45 pm edt updated: 03/31/2014 12:59 pm edt a delaware man convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter only faced probation after a state superior court judge ruled he "will not fare well" in prison.. in her decision, judge jan jurden suggested robert h. richards iv would benefit more from treatment.
richards, who was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009, is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund.
the light sentence has only became public as the result of a subsequent lawsuit filed by his ex-wife, which charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently assaulted his son as well.. richards is the great grandson of du pont family patriarch irenee du pont, a chemical baron.. according to the lawsuit filed by richards' ex-wife, he admitted to assaulting his infant son in addition to his daughter between 2005 and 2007. richards was initially indicted on two counts of second-degree child rape, felonies that translate to a 10-year mandatory jail sentence per count.
the catholic church, sydney diocese, has been under the spotlight at one of the child abuse inquiries in australia.
the commision also looked at the question of compensation for victims.
this report by the canberra times sums up the attitude of the catholic church as fighting tooth and nail against having to pay compensation.
No mention of medical or psychiatric care for the victim.
how can one explain to a court system that getting confirmed as a catholic is not the same as getting baptized as a jehovahs witness.. the court system seems to be under the belief that many children get confirmed around the age of 12 and that a child should have the right to make the decision to get baptized a jw at that age as well.. my arguement is that if you want to leave the catholic church at a later date or commit a serious sin you are not shunned or excommunicated.. looking for something to show the court that using confirmation as a comparison to determine the age at which a child should make this decision is not the same since jw baptism is life altering.
seems like therapists also don't understand or see the big deal with letting the kids get baptized if they want to..
At a last convention i saw a little girl being baptised.. she was apx 8 or 9.
my brother's wife just died.
it seems someone in my family is dying every month lately.
i guess when you get my age everyone you are friends with will be gone soon, including myself.. ken p..
My condolences, peace unto you.
for those of you who are shunned, it is in disguise a blessing.
becuase when you are not shunned, jws come to visit.
it is the most tiresome hosting you will ever endure.. for the first 2 1/2 days, it was straight talk about "jehovah", the "organization", the "bible", then, "how bad these times are", "can't wait to see someone dead in the new world" .
skeeter1; your thread touched me. It sounds like standard witness speak.
Have you met up with b & s you havent seen for a long time? What is the first thing that comes to mind? They said they would keep in touch with you and have not. Whats the first thing you notice. They havent changed the conversation is the same almost to the word. They will do a rundown on their kids and whoever and whatever the are doing and approved people will be described as "very spiritual". Check you dictionary for "spiritual": they mean obedient/never miss a meeting/ say the right words/ wear the right clothes.
Scully" Has just said it true. JW are so "sheltered and un-educated and poorly informed about the goings on in the world that they seriously do not have anything else to talk about."