Aproclaimer: you missed always wears the 'correct' clothing and shoes.
all in all sounds just like the one who sexually abused my kids.
is it someone who doesn't drink?.
is it someone who avidly studies the bible and follows it to a tee?.
i think a model jw is simply a braindead folower..
Aproclaimer: you missed always wears the 'correct' clothing and shoes.
all in all sounds just like the one who sexually abused my kids.
yes. I am ever delighted that someone has taken the trouble to write to me.
im new here and im 17, going to turn 18 in 1 week.
i studied with my gradma the bible teach book and went to meeting with her and other relatives (considering most my relatives are jw except my parents) and i believe in all of it because i never read the bible for myself.
after reading the gospels i started noticing contradictions in the jw doctrine like when jesus said many would dine with the patriachs in the kingdom of heaven (yet only 144,000 jws can) which would seem odd considering the fact he adressed this to more then the apostles.
Lovely to hear from one so young.
gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
Was he on medication? If he was had he gone off it and why.Was it personal choice or unable to pay for it? Had he been victimised by others at the school?
Lots to consider.
i feel like i wasn't allowed to read a lot of books when i was younger, a lot of which i'm discovering are positivly phenomenal.. i was allowed to read edgar allan poe, who remains my all time favorite writer.
but, i've discovered the joys of stephen king, anne rice, joyce carrol oats, neil gaiman, george r. martin, david sedaris... and so so so many more.. i'm currently getting through "the shining" so i can move on to "doctor sleep".
i'm interested to see if anyone else that discovered the many joys of "worldly" literature, jumped immediately into what they weren't allowed to read... and what was your favorite?.
'The Thief Fleet' x Talbot.
'Sherlock Holmes' x Conan Doyle
"The Odessa File"
and the Psalms.
In my early days in the 'truth' i was curious that some jw I visted never had any books in their homes. Some, no magazines not even a newspaper.
i am reading an english newspaper on line, it has life updates of court cases, one is of an athelete that shot is wife dead.. my question is do you think it responsible jounalisam or making a circus out of a tragic event?.
There is a case of sex with minors just ended in Australia where, two witnesses now adults were proven to have lied. One of them was proven to have fabricated her story and when challenged said 'so what' (or words to that effect). There was no court action against her..!!!!!
The defence lawyer criticised that the two women were to be or had been paid by 'womens' magazines for their stories. He said the defendant had no chance of a fair trial with the media coverage.
Prologos is correct the more vile the gossip to more it sells.
The lawyer slammed the media in the reporting of this story for entertainment not news. I can only wonder how much the jury listened to what was in front of them.
what makes the faithful and discreet slave (fds) any different than the rest of us?.
isn't it their superpowers of channeling "food at the proper time"?.
is this a special talent?
..1942, 1943, and 1944 wasnt something else happening at that time?
according to bloomberg news:.
"the u.s. supreme court turned away an appeal from a new mexico wedding photographer found to have violated a state anti-discrimination law when she refused to take pictures of a commitment ceremony for a same-sex couple.. the photographer, elaine huguenin, argued unsuccessfully that she was being unconstitutionally forced to convey a message conflicting with her religious beliefs.
So this was taken to the Supreme court? Me thinks there is more to this than obvious.
...when i told them i didn't believe anymore.
they cried like i'd never seen before.
my oldest, 10, pleaded with me that she'd do anything to get me to keep going to meetings ("i'll get a's on my report card!").
Luve em to bits.
for family reasons, gorby and his wife and children has to visit the hall at april 14. our family accept that we are faders, but don't accept if we do not visit the memorial.. so, it seems a small investment: one evening love bombing for a year peace and rest.. but i hate the visit.
meeting the people knowing it's all fake love showing.. how do you get through it?.
I dont go. and one of the last 'memorials' i attended i had the wine nearly yanked out of my hand.