All to much for little me. What of the jw who took shelter in the kh in the Phillipines that fell on them and killed many?
JoinedPosts by zebagain
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-13-2014 WT Study (HAIL JC)
by blondie in
united nations
Watchtower study for Sunday 13th April.
by stuckinarut2 inok, so here we go again..... those of us still stuck in have to sit through another study today.... any suggestions on comments to drop through the study?.
During the 'public talks' those interminable exercises in boredom i used to do those pelvic exercises where you retract ... well you know. I could get up to 50 retractions, rest a while, do it all again. It was most useful and for those who have never sat through a PT.. read on.
Public talks: for the speaker to keep to the allocated time even if it means expanding (stretching) his information to fill in the time. Of course to stretch something usually means making it thinner. The speaker will stand behind the lecturn and show no animation and will always wear a suite whether it is hot or not. He may use a some prepared hi-lights on a 'whyte'- board this device being officially sanctioned where as 'power-point' is not.
He will remain ever 'he' as women are not permitted to give talks.
What a wonderful age in which to live
by fulltimestudent inwhen i was young ( quite a while ago now) an old lady lived near us.
sadly for her, she had had surgery to remove her whole nose and what was fitted with a very obvious prosthetic nose, a nose that was instant fascination for small boys, who would often jeer at her.
i called her to mind and the difficulty she likely faced whenever she went out when i read this report.. scientists grow cartilage to reconstruct nose.
Anyone Here Used to Fear Persecution?
by kneehighmiah ini was thinking today about how i no longer have to fear the attack of satan against the jws.
i used to fear being rounded up and beaten by mobs.
seeing my family tortured.
I recall one elder who would go over what "they" would do to 'us'. He taught his little daughter to sneak off and study. To what end i cant imagine.
Yes as an adult i was distressed as our first born came along. As for parents enforcing eating with persecution threats they are beneath contempt.
The elder concerned later died quite young suddenly, without any life insurance leaving his wife and many kids (!) in a rented house to live off the govt provided pension.
Misappropriation of funds (Project for an Assembly Hall in Guadalajara)
by avaddohn94 inat the forum, a very serious scandal is being discussed regarding a potential misappropriation of funds by mexico's branch..
though the situation may not be quite uncommon, below you will find an overview:.
a member of mexico's branch committee went to guadalajara to inform the brothers that a plot of land had been donated for the construction of an assembly hall.
and the day that the un or obama calls in unpaid taxes they will scream from the rooftops. persecution persecution!
Describe a Model Exemplary Jehovah's Witness
by minimus inis it someone who doesn't drink?.
is it someone who avidly studies the bible and follows it to a tee?.
i think a model jw is simply a braindead folower..
Aproclaimer: you missed always wears the 'correct' clothing and shoes.
all in all sounds just like the one who sexually abused my kids.
yes. I am ever delighted that someone has taken the trouble to write to me.
Studied with JW grandma for 3 years and went to meetings, I have now seen the light!
by yogosans14 inim new here and im 17, going to turn 18 in 1 week.
i studied with my gradma the bible teach book and went to meeting with her and other relatives (considering most my relatives are jw except my parents) and i believe in all of it because i never read the bible for myself.
after reading the gospels i started noticing contradictions in the jw doctrine like when jesus said many would dine with the patriachs in the kingdom of heaven (yet only 144,000 jws can) which would seem odd considering the fact he adressed this to more then the apostles.
Lovely to hear from one so young.
Pittsburgh High School Stabbings by a Student... 20 Stabbed
by RubaDub ingun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
Was he on medication? If he was had he gone off it and why.Was it personal choice or unable to pay for it? Had he been victimised by others at the school?
Lots to consider.
by dynamiterose77 ini feel like i wasn't allowed to read a lot of books when i was younger, a lot of which i'm discovering are positivly phenomenal.. i was allowed to read edgar allan poe, who remains my all time favorite writer.
but, i've discovered the joys of stephen king, anne rice, joyce carrol oats, neil gaiman, george r. martin, david sedaris... and so so so many more.. i'm currently getting through "the shining" so i can move on to "doctor sleep".
i'm interested to see if anyone else that discovered the many joys of "worldly" literature, jumped immediately into what they weren't allowed to read... and what was your favorite?.
'The Thief Fleet' x Talbot.
'Sherlock Holmes' x Conan Doyle
"The Odessa File"
and the Psalms.
In my early days in the 'truth' i was curious that some jw I visted never had any books in their homes. Some, no magazines not even a newspaper.