Old farming friend told me that Canola is toxic to humans. It is not included in pig feed as it causes pigs to abort. Anecdotal evidence suggests same in humans.
It is very good on axe, shovel, chisel and hammer handles.
there have been a number of dramatic anecdotal accounts about coconut oil and alzheimers but this is the first clinical study (favorable) that i am aware of.. .
Old farming friend told me that Canola is toxic to humans. It is not included in pig feed as it causes pigs to abort. Anecdotal evidence suggests same in humans.
It is very good on axe, shovel, chisel and hammer handles.
i'm leaving for china in only a few days, and i'm still engaged in 'negotiations' of where to go, with my chinese friend who is kind enough to accompany me (to translate) on my journey's.. our general direction is south from shanghai (and on down to xiamen).. i thought it would be interesting to take a bus trip across this new bridge (well 3-4 years old) from shanghai to ningbo and catch the very fast train on from ningbo.. the port of shanghai (built out in the ocean on the island of yangshan) is the largest port in the world, but the port of ningbo on the other side of the bay of hangzhou is nearly as large.. this bridge allows easier connections between these two ports.. .
its 36 km long, across the ocean and often battered by typhoons.
this map gives you an idea of where its located.. .
What awesome photos!
Please dont take a bible with you if you were inclined. Bible into China is a BIG no-no.
I see a country that has made changes and advances that are just spectacular. Best wishes on your trip.
how important is the phrase, "i am" to jw's, when it is spoken by jesus about himself?
my elderette wants to examine this scripture (john 14:6) together next week.
i'm wondering what rabbit she is going to pull out of her hat.
I always had a hearts regard for Jesus (Eshua) and I was ever dismayed at his 'absence' from meetings. I was asked to do a final prayer once (I am totally sure what i was to say was being noted) and I included the "lords prayer". Given those born 'in' it must have been the first time they heard it. Oh and no comments either were forthcoming.
i know this might be overreacting, and i have not said a peep about it to my kids or anyone else... .
last week, my kids wanted to call my mom during the day.
on her last visit, they had talked about calling her on her day off at home.
BOTR: 'Jw were incapable of talking about the weather, the beatles ,the headlines or anything else.' So true. and FW: No you are not over reacting you are astute to the welfare of your kids.
this is a rumor i heard back in november, it comes to me third or fourth-hand.
feel free to poke holes.
i have many doubts about this myself.
I fear to get past the coming publicity of another monumental failure the gb will go down the well worn track other despots have used and create a situation that will bring the wrath of governments down on all things wts. and then scream 'PERSECUTION, PERSECUTION.!'and to hell with the costs human and $$ on the ordinary jw.
i find it interesting that the wt is boasting about the 100 year anniversary of the kingdom in 2014, but i have never seen an explanation on how they calculate it.
i know how to get to 1914 using the bible (ezekiel, revelation, daniel, jeremiah).
in fact, i know all the messy stuff behind it, such as 606 bce, 537 bce, mishandling of no-zero year in the calendar, 536 bce instead of 539 bce, etc.. what i am wondering is when was the last time the wt wrote an article in the wt magazine to explain in the weekly meeting how to calculate 1914. if this year is so important, one would expect an explanation in a regular basis, but i have not seen it yet.
TTaTT E: a broken record. Yes It was raised by a DO that many who have left stated "I heard it all before". sadly true.
what if you were a member of the gb and you woke up and realized it's all bs.
what would you do?
i would try to change the org from within..
Pixel: Wow! great idea. as CBG said a "wondrous idea".
what would happen? You would booted out as others have been. I have recently read the book "The Gentile Times revisited" recommended reading for anyone and everyone.
first off - for those lurkers who feel guilty just for being on this site and reading this (even if you don't read any further, as it is your right to choose that course) i want you to know that you're not alone in what you're going through or in what you are feeling.
if you read on, i hope my experience may be of some small help to you.. this may be long, but i'll try to organize it in a way that doesn't make it painful to read.
to start, i feel it is most beneficial if i'm upfront and honest with my goals from posting this, which are (in order of the degree to which they motivated me):.
OEJ: Please seek counseling..now and as it seems you can converse with your wife include her from day one.
Bring any non jw friends into your life more. BBQ's, share going to movies then go for coffees etc.
The need so many women have for the company of other women (read 'approved' ones) is a big thing indeed and many women in TT live in real fear of what others think about them to the extent that this is a binding force on their lives.
You are a thinker ask people around who are likewise intelligent and funny,so your conversation can be intelligent up lifting witty enjoyable. Conversely get a group of jw together and the convo is so guarded and benign you can spend an evening and come away having not talked about anything. I always found it sad that to mention the politics of the day or some major happening was to invite a torrent of jehovah speak where everyone would square off like boxers and come out with a whole lot of jw speak. Frightened to have an opinion.
In fact the JW church is the 'Seinfelt' of religions.
The wt teaching that people only go for education to satisfy ego is deplorable. This is ignorance and the cultish fear that some will come out knowing more than they do it is power seeking.
May the power of love be strong in your life.
are there any type of threads that you especially enjoy?
are there any specific threads or posters that you look out for?.
Jgnat, Blondie, Lost sheep.
my wife and i have two wonderful children aged 1 and 3. i was raised as a lutheran but stopped believing in my late teen years.
my wife is what i would call a liberal jw (yes, i believe such people exist .
sooner or later our children will have questions about religion and the differences mom and dad show towards it.
Give your wife a big bunch of flowers and a hug from me.