well done.
once you recognize that the contributions you gave for the upkeep of your place of worship have been given to the corporation and will only be used to upkeep your place of worship at their discretion...the caption will become your mantra!.
well done.
ireland--jehovah's witness allow predator to "grill" victim jehovah's witness elders allowed convicted predator to "grill" victims; victims respond.
Ah this is some 'new-light'. Like a security searchlight on criminal activity..
"the rnwt replaces "kyrios" (lord) with "jehovah" in translating romans 14:8 as follows:.
"for if we live, we live to jehovah,*+ and if we die, we die to jehovah.
* so both if we live and if we die, we belong to jehovah.".
I take this on board. Reminds me of some of the prayers said at conventions where the pray-er proceeded to "Jehovah" us endlessly with "Jehovah" used every second word.
i'm having an exam in mineralogy in 20 days and need to learn 120+ pages of content.
i've learned a part of it so far.
i'm just curious how did you/do you study?
I am dyslexic and bi-polar and this was not discovered until i was well past youth and school exams that would fill me with utter fear. I learned from a kindly gent years later at exams:
On the word go pick up the paper and read it through. Pencil mark the ones that you have instant recall on until you have read the whole paper over.
The answer those 'easy ones' making sure you clearly number them. By the time you have done these you will have ploughed through alot of the paper. AND, you will have calmed down quite a bit.
Look at the other questions and be surprised what you will now recall.
The questions that you have a blank on--leave.
Do the others come back to that real stinker last and write out just what you do know.
Dear Lord i wish i had known this method all those years ago. Please let me/us know how you go.
i had an idea.
i was reading about the success of the kony 2012 video and was wondering if anyone would be interested in making a documentary to coincide with the international conventions and the 100 year anniversary of gods kingdom.
the video would be less than 30 minutes long.
if/when you do please ensure the sound is... clear.. and not recorded in an echoing room. Microphone near mouth.
would someone please layout for this simple soul what the wts is doing re 'donations' or 'pledges'.
is the box at the back of the kh to be done away with?.
Would someone please layout for this simple soul what the wts is doing re 'donations' or 'pledges'. Is the box at the back of the kh to be done away with?
jesus was enthroned and began ruling as king in 1914, which is why the wt are currently celebrating 100 years of kingdom rule.. but then we read in the feb 2014 study wt ("hail christ, the glorious king!
" par.
19): "he will complete his conquest by abyssing satan and his demons for the full length of the thousand year reign.".
P: The same way an 'important' all together Australia wide hook up talk was held years ago except the jw in the east of Australia were not sitting around for 2 hours until the west was ready in their seats. It was not a nation wide hook up it was a recording but all together sounds more cosy.
This stuff is way over my head. Remember that the founders of wts were into the occult with the 'pyramidology' and other such. One of the books they produced had the wings of Horus across the cover. Since the heady days of Russell they have spent far to much time predicting the 'return' of the christ and "this means this and that means that ..and by that we assume that.. if we interpret...oops we made a F*** up, well we didnt really say that; what you sold your house now your broke well well...".
History shows that groups that secure themselves inside their own monastrys will become so self absorbed that they dont know what day it is.
"No man knows the hour or the day"-
There can be no doubt who really is the power behind the wts.
its all a hell of a long way from the sermon on the mount.
So what do you pay for petrol?
a world without satan (revelation 20:2,3,7,10).
romans 12- joy in the kingdom hope.
the spirit.. demonstration: family worship.
Thanks OaC: lot of work there. scrolls.. hm.. For a long time i assumed they were mentioned somewhere in the bible but i understand it aint the case.
so when the kids get out of school we plan on going away for 3 to 4 weeks for vacation but we want to go somewhere that is actually enjoyable and not just packed full of things for the kids to do.
cruises are out, to confining.
i live in the u.s. so i want to abroad an continue to get the kids passports stamped so they can be exposed to as many cultures as possible.. .
Our winter appraoches so visit OZ and travel the north of the country.. visit Darwin.. go by train called "The Ghan" right down the middle of the country to the city of Adelaide. and good exchange rate on your $
or New Zealand...freshwater lakes 50 k long. Giant trout. great people. and a very good exchange rate on your $.
eva braun liked expensive cars.. judge rutherford had two expensive cars.. eva braun liked dictators.. judge rutherford was a dictator.. eva braun loved her boyfriend.. judge rutherford wrote a love letter to evas boyfriend.. eva braun had no children.. judge rutherford told everyone not to have children.. no one came to eva brauns funeral.. no one came to judge rutherfords funeral.. ....... .
wow! So for all the bethelites et al your saying no-one went to his funeral? what does this say of how well he was regarded?