JoinedPosts by zebagain
Well the fireworks are booming and whooshing so I gues its 2015. -
They came, they saw, they left...
by NVR2L8 induring the holiday period one if my wife's brothers had planned a vacation in our area.
they drove about 6 hours to a condo they leased for a week to celebrate their wedding anniversary with their married son and daughter.
they called my wife to let her know they were coming to visit us since they were 2 hours away.
"We miss you". I haven't moved.
"Havent seen you in ages" I haven't moved.
"We have been thinking of you". "Really, that's nice"
Go for lots of walks.
by zebagain inbuy, a camel-bak the 3 litre one.. a pr of walking poles .
a pr of good quality boots, with wool blend socks.
a decent vented hat.
- Buy, a Camel-bak the 3 litre one.
- a pr of walking poles
- a pr of good quality boots, with wool blend socks
- a decent vented hat
- a vented shirt and pants.
and enjoy going for walks. and take in the outside and the sights (who invented lycra.. not that it matters. )
My "Kelly Kettle" from the Kelly Kettle Company in Ireland. -
Not witnesses but of the 'Brethren' order.
Bible's mention of physical beauty- why?
by Magnum infor years, as i've read through the bible, i've wondered why bible writers were concerned about physical beauty (see references below)?
i realize it's human nature to be interested in beauty, but why did they see fit to record in the so-called "word of god" the fact that some of the people they wrote about were beautiful?
looks are not supposed to matter according to jw doctrine (and probably the doctrine of many christian-professing sects).
As Mark Anthony said to Julius Caesar when Cleopatra paraded herself before them for the first time.
"Julius take a look at her figure; XXXVI--XXII-XXXVI yay yay aye !"
Looking forward..looking back
by zebagain into those who have been part of my journey with your answers on the page or by pm my many heartfelt thanks and i hope i have been of some support as well.
some of your accounts have been warming some have been so sad i had to leave off the site a time as they opened wounds.
indeed we can never remove them but with the care and keeping of each other here and of course attending to formal counselling and medication much repair can be made.. i hope that 2015 is for each and all wherever you be a time of further healing, discovery and peace.. special thanks to simon for planting this garden of rest for us all.. zebagain .
About to go to bed, was tidying up and found this as the quote for 31st December 2014.
"Conformity is the..jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth" said by John F Kennedy.
VERY short day at the Arlington/Dallas International Convention-My Observations
by CaptainSchmideo inokay, some good takeaway:.
i have never been to a convention quite like this before.
a very friendly vibe all around, lots of banners and posters with sayings like "sending love to all our brothers", "see you in the paradise", "ecuador sends greetings", and "jehovahs-witness.net" (okay, i lied on that last one...).
so we have women on heat, *individuality in dress with a gentle spattering of civic pride/ nationalism. Mein Gott! It sounds almost.... wait for it..........................................................worldly!
It would be great to see the various tribal, clan, racial whatever costumes being realized.
Hey! That means i could wear a kilt in honour of my ancestors.
("what's worn under your kilt Jock?")
"Nothings worn,.. it all works perfectly well".
* female need eh? let me guess they are going to put out a 'schedule' for nookie nights?
We have a family of b next door. Well we know when they are home by the yelling and arguing. Is this the norm for this group, does anyone have any experience of them. -
Looking forward..looking back
by zebagain into those who have been part of my journey with your answers on the page or by pm my many heartfelt thanks and i hope i have been of some support as well.
some of your accounts have been warming some have been so sad i had to leave off the site a time as they opened wounds.
indeed we can never remove them but with the care and keeping of each other here and of course attending to formal counselling and medication much repair can be made.. i hope that 2015 is for each and all wherever you be a time of further healing, discovery and peace.. special thanks to simon for planting this garden of rest for us all.. zebagain .
To those who have been part of my journey with your answers on the page or by pm my many heartfelt thanks and I hope I have been of some support as well. Some of your accounts have been warming some have been so sad I had to leave off the site a time as they opened wounds. Indeed we can never remove them but with the care and keeping of each other here and of course attending to formal counselling and medication much repair can be made.
I hope that 2015 is for each and all wherever you be a time of further healing, discovery and peace.
special thanks to Simon for planting this garden of rest for us all.