Delightful Soul
derive comfort
Take Delight
If you removed these "few words and phrases", then the entire document (of many words) would lose 99% of it's impact... and I think the author suspects this, but doesn't understand any other way to communicate.... or at the very least has little (if any) critical review by his peers. I mean, that was the problem with George Lucas' latest Star Wars movies. Boring beyond belief, stupid & unrealistic monologue that "told you the story" and never once "showed you the story". For the younger generation that are growing up with crappy movies with no story at all, they actually liked Star Wars... but the older generation sees right through it; the exposition, the wooden acting, the bad monotone dialogue, bad directing, etc.
Don't tell the readers how to feel - make them feel . This is sometimes difficult - even for a good author. A good author can bring tears to the eyes of a reader, but only a truly great author can make the reader sob like a baby (even a man). You'll never get the reader to cry by writing dribble with titles such as "The saddest story on Earth", or "Why we should cry more often", or "Thank Jehovah we have the ability to Cry"
"What Can We Look Forward to Learning?
I think the real reason the author includes this banal quasi-question/statement-of-fact, is they know they have NOT taught anything new... at least on a subconscious level, at worst a conscious one. In any case it immediately shrieks insecurity on the part of the author.
It's the same problem as before ; Don't "tell them they are learning", just teach them, then they would "know" they are learning and would be excited even if you didn't use inflationary language. It's a paradigm shift that the authors need to make, but I feel they don't know how too.