It's a constant source of amusement to hear my brother justify the "new light" policy. Sometimes I get the feeling he feels uncomfortable explaining the increasing level of light levels, especially when I'm grinning and asking him,
"What? Brighter Still? How bright can it get?"
It does not bother him too much now, but over many years, I'm sure that this one little question of mine will start to wear him down, as he realizes the light was never that bright to start with.
I can see how the younger members easily get the wool pulled over their eyes - but the elderly - that's got to be a different story!?!? I know one Elder (a writer for the WT and Awake in Australia... or at least he used too - he's getting old), who's been in the truth since the WW2. His wife died not too long ago, so surely he has at least considered his own mortality? For so many years he thought he might not die... or did he? Do witnesses get so blasé about "Armageddon any day now", that they don't really believe it anymore? When is enough, enough?