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JoinedPosts by UpAndAtom
JonBenet Ramsey's Mother Dies
by Mary in.
i was really shocked to see this headline this morning....patsy ramsey died this morning at the age of 49 of ovarian cancer....i always wondered what happened there; whether she and her husband actually killed their daughter, or if someone else broke into the house and murdered her.......while family members are always high on the list of suspects when something like this happens, i tend to think that john and patsy ramsey were falsely accused of murdering their daughter, as there appeared to be no motive.
anyone think they did kill her?
Why does "god" permit evil, wickedness and tragic misfortune??
by Shining One ini don't know of anyone who can answer this question totally but i do like this man's response!
i've posted the link to this before.
rex .
The greater the truth - the shorter the explanation. Jesus was a master at this.
What is evil?
only begotten Son?
by UpAndAtom inif jesus was the only begotten son of god, who then was adam and melchizadek's father?
has this question ever been raised before?
Narkissos, I especially like your reasoning here; and Leolaia I have not heard the phrase "self-generated" before. Interesting... What if all this talk about resurrection was in fact reincarnation? Could it be that the words (which lets face it, seem similar) got mixed up somehow? Did one spirit (the only Son) come back (resurrect/reincarnat) and take up new bodies for different purposes?
only begotten Son?
by UpAndAtom inif jesus was the only begotten son of god, who then was adam and melchizadek's father?
has this question ever been raised before?
If Jesus was the only begotten Son of God, who then was Adam and Melchizadek's father? Has this question ever been raised before?
silent lambs has failed..
by the mole inif any one has been a regular such as i have in the silent lambs site you will have noticed it has changed for the worse..as of last week i decided to withdraw from my membership...the site was designed by bill to vent, explain and devulge abuse that we have witnessed or experienced..as in my case as a former m.s i had seen two coverups in my hall...the parents to afraid to go to the police and the elders screaming jehovah will leave them if they tell on the org is the crime i had to bare with..so i spoke up and left the org...silent lambs was for that reason...now.
it has mutated to a cheap lowlevel site for apologist and non witness who want to argue on unrelated topics..to top it off bill has given the site to an editor who is so silly and more involved than the participants why bother anymore....to bill..you lost your way...
there's another bunch of people who need to realise it's a bunch of binary ZEROS AND ONES.
Only some people will understand.
I agree, I see many people here that seem to live on the Internet and it stagnates and polarizes their thinking. This is a worrying trend as people seem to think the Internet contains better quality information than that found elsewhere.
by Terry inthe truth!
is there a greater value anywhere?
knowing what's what and what's not may be the most important thing humans can know.
That is a smile of people who've stuffed Truth into their biscuits and sweetened their tea with it!
Ha ha! So true.
Chapter One: JWs believe in Reincarnation
by ezekiel3 injws will say they believe in a resurrection of dead humans to earth (the most ancient to be abel, son of adam) after god destroys wicked mankind in armeggedon.
they use the word ?resurrection?
based on:*** rs p. 333 resurrection ***.
OldHippe; You raise a very interesting and valid point. I agree with you completely.
It makes little difference who you were, but rather how you treated people.
Chapter One: JWs believe in Reincarnation
by ezekiel3 injws will say they believe in a resurrection of dead humans to earth (the most ancient to be abel, son of adam) after god destroys wicked mankind in armeggedon.
they use the word ?resurrection?
based on:*** rs p. 333 resurrection ***.
In the beginning, God created spirit creatures.
God gave these spirit creatures the ability to choose their own destiny ? our will. Thus our Souls were born (Special note to JWs: A Soul is not a body)
Selfish actions are the first instinct of any species with a will. Some chose to stay next to God (the Angles in Heaven), many choose the broad path and wound up on Earth. How you ask?
In the early days, our spirits had the ability to push-into and out-of animal matter with free will (much like legion inhabited the swine and the fierce men)? however in our haste, we overlooked the fact our spirits could become enmeshed with animal flesh, and hence we slowly, but surely became trapped in the cycle of birth and rebirth of the animal bodies we used to inhabit for selfish fun. There are vague references to this in Genesis.
One of the main problems is that most people have forgotten their true heritage and place in the Universe as co creators with God.
Have you ever considered what you ?really? look like at the spirit level? Most likely most of us have had hundreds of bodies, and the reason we like our appearance, is that our appearance is the sum-result of hundreds of life experiences? each time, our face getting another smile line, or a frown, or a cancer. Our DNA is not random, it is the sum result of hundreds of our Soul?s experiences. If you shed blood in this life, and you can expect to be reincarnated with a DNA gene that causes your body to shed it?s own blood in the form of leukaemia ? lending teeth to Jesus? argument that those that live by the sword will die by the sword.
Getting back to your original point, Jesus raised this same issue of rebirth with Nicodemus. If you read the passage carefully, you will actually see that Nicodemus reflects Jesus statement back to him in an effort to confirm something his brain does not comprehend. He understood what Jesus said ? he just didn?t ?get it?, and Jesus (for whatever reason) did not feel the need to explain it further. Jesus did this a lot.
I have vague memories of my distance lives. There have been several famous people throughout history that have claimed to remember many of them with clarity. I have no doubt, that when Jesus claimed his existence before Abraham, he was remembering it and spoke with conviction? and again? failed to explain it further to the bewildered crowd.
virgin birth in Matt and Luke?
by peacefulpete inrobert price (incredible shrinking son of man) has alerted me to an interesting possibility that matt and luke (that is, the original authors) may not have intended that jesus had a miraculous conception.
mark never gives any hint that he was aware of any birth tradition surrounding his jesus, matt and luke have generally been considered the first to incorporate this element into the legend.
however price and jane schaberg (baba pg.116) have reexamined the texts and come to a different conclusion.
The spiritual entity *once* know as Luke (the gospel author), reincarnated (resurrected if you will) in recent times as Edgar Cayce and helped shed some light on this matter (and many more). There are countless books dedicated to this man. It will take you more than a cursory look to judge this man? so don?t be put off by my ultra-brief summaries.
Apparently Jesus is the reincarnation of Adam; and Mary is the reincarnation of Eve. The gist of it can be found here (and other places): http://www.near-death.com/experiences/origen041.html
This is a very, very, very big subject, and quite honestly I don?t think there?s enough words in the Bible to even cover a tenth of one percent of the whole truth.
Observations at a District Convention
by truman in.
i finally got my piece to post about three entries down.
This is one of the best posts I've seen in a long-long time. Thanks for sharing.