"Publishers" who agree to be identified with the Publishing Corporation
It's kind of funny when you put it like that! Good stuff Gary.
three pages of this month's insert are dedicated to the article "let us keep our place of worship in good repair.
" yes, that's 38 minutes of service meeting time devoted to instructions on cleaning and maintaining the kingdom hall.. aside from just the utter ridiculousness and infantilization of this, what really struck me was: "when was the last time that there was a three-page insert on visiting the sick?
" if the wts devoted half as much organization and attention to such a basic christian duty as it does to the cleaning of the kingdom hall, the organization would be a better place.. i know, nothing new.
"Publishers" who agree to be identified with the Publishing Corporation
It's kind of funny when you put it like that! Good stuff Gary.
this is hilarious!
i am so surprised that the society has counsel on learning the klingon language.
*** g95 12/8 p. 8 a look at todays science fiction ***.
I knew an Elder that wrote for the Awake magazine. The focus of his article seemed to be "why washing your hands is important" or something lame like that. I got the feeling that authors had a certain amount of pressure to write an article that was original and not in conflict with any other work currently in progress - thus you had a good chance of being published for something different; thus the Klingon angle.
up high on my list has to be when a jw co-worker named john fitzgerald tore into me one morning (when i was coming in late for work) for grabbing a quick piece of cake from the lunch room.
turns out, someone in this small little office had brought in the remainder of their birthday cake for folks at work to finish up eating.
john was older than i and a ministerial servant (ooh) and felt it his responsibility to keep me on the straight and narrow.
Lady Lee - That's exact it. A perfect example.
in the new kid's book, learn from the great teacher, the chapter "what is god's kingdom?
how to show we want it" has a very interesting cluster of pictures down the side of page 237, showing the dub kid his duties regarding the "preaching work": .
imo the bottom one is the worst - little dubby timmy can't go over to play with little tommy unless he takes his big ol' book of dub stuff with him and wields it like a shield against tommy's wordly influence!
Not that I approve of them brain washing the kids so early... but is there any evidence to support the fact, the younger they get them, the more inclined they are to leave later in life? Maybe when the next generation grows up - the dubs will be no more?
does anybody know how long it takes for one to get re-instated if you are not that well liked by the body of elders?
i was disfellowshiped for immorality almost 2 years ago.
with my job and attending college to keep in step with my field of work, i have only been attending the sunday talk & wt meeting every week.
Remember the story of the Good Shepard?
When the lone sheep ran away from the flock, the shepard went to look for it. It was the shepards responsability to get the lone sheep - not the other way around.
In stark constrast the WTBS calls out to the sheep - "Good riddance you worthless sheep! - You know where we are if you want to return! ...grumble... gruble.... good for nothing sheep... probably controlled by Satan!"
ok, if someone sends da letter to his elders, that is a confidential.
thing...personal information.
but what do the elders do?
They would argue that a statement of facts is not slander, however if you have a strong case you might be able to argue otherwise:
The term libel is also often used if a wide audience for the defamation is possible. Courts have split over which category radio and television are in; today's statutes generally categorize defamation occurring in those media as slander. The offenses are alike in several respects. The defamation : essentially exposure to hatred, contempt, ridicule, or pecuniary loss : must directly affect the reputation of a living person. It must be published, i.e., revealed to someone besides the subject of the attack. It is no defense that the defendant merely repeated but did not originate the defamation.
...however this is something you will need to investigate yourself. It depends how badly they ruin your public reputation within your area and/or business. Some kind of proof would need to be shown to the courts to support your hurt feelings and/or reputation. If you want to pursue court action - then document all contact and conversations from this moment on, always have witnesses, video tape their secret meetings, blah blah blah....
Is it really such a problem? Leave them alone and get on with your life. No court on Earth could possibly deliver the kind of justice you're probably after.
i was recently reading some old posts, when i came acoss one of maximus' posts about children leaving the truth.. link is here for anyone who wants to read it... http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/10417/1.ashx .
it has been roughly two years since the last post on this.
any ideas as to the percentage of children/young adults leaving?
Well... if history repeats itself (and I'm sure it won't )... eventually the organization will suffer a crisis and split into two factions. I can't wait for that day! Yippee! When the end comes - it will come quickly... as a thief in the night.
my 10 do's and dont's when witnessing to jws seems to be popular.
let me know how you like them and if you have any other methods that you use that seem to work well.. tower man.
There certainly some good stuff on your site; but I suppose the question is WHY would you want too? As Gary asked, what's your motivation? My motivation is less stress, and that involves just smiling at them and keeping away form their warped, twisted reasoning, bizarre desires, hopes and dreams. That's what they want - that's what they get. Free will is a double-edged sword.
my wife and i are new to this forum, and really, we're now new to life as well.
or rather, life is new to us, normal life that is.
i don't want to turn this into a novel (at least, not yet).
Excellent post - well done. Make it longer next time, I certainly don't mind.
up high on my list has to be when a jw co-worker named john fitzgerald tore into me one morning (when i was coming in late for work) for grabbing a quick piece of cake from the lunch room.
turns out, someone in this small little office had brought in the remainder of their birthday cake for folks at work to finish up eating.
john was older than i and a ministerial servant (ooh) and felt it his responsibility to keep me on the straight and narrow.
It never ceases to amaze me how JW’s can condemn others, while justifying their own crap away with absolute peace of mind.
This is called "cognitive dissonance"; it's the process whereby a Dubs changes their cognition, to fit into facts which they either know to be wrong, or don't wish to believe. Because they actually change their thinking process, facts don't mean the same thing to them anymore, so it's pointless arguing with them. Facts will mean nothing, and will most likely result in the loyal Dub being even more convinced they are correct. It's a psychology disorder... a well documented one at that.