Hi Bliss,
Being abused myself, I too have comfronted the sometimes confusing battelground of confronting my absuer (now that I'm a grown man with muscle). On the one hand I want to punish my abuser, on the other I want to follow Jesus' advice of praying for my enemies. It only occured to me recently that my abuser, was probably abused himself as a child. It's a terrible spiral, and I would hate to punish someone that was themselves abused as a kid, and yet on the other hand I want to punch his lights out and tell everyone he know what he did to me. Argh!! What do you do? I have not confronted my abuser as yet... I've been putting it off until I have more money to travel to his current location.
Personaly, I think you've handled this very well. I don't think telling other people will really help. There's something about child abuse that non-abused "don't get". They view abuse as "an incident" not unlike scrapping a knee when you were young. They say, "Why on earth would you harp on about a scrapped knee so many years ago?" They just don't get it, they just don't... and this is exactly why Peter Hollingworth was forced to resign from the position of Governer General. It wasn't until the then governer spent a large amount of time with an abused girl did he stop making such stupid and idiotic statements, but by then he was already forced from office.
I fear that despite your best intentions, you will be unable to force people to "get it". I feel for you on this issue... it's a tough one. If it helps I may be able to spread the word myself if you tell me who it is. Occassionaly I run into the odd witness from time to time, and it would be great to talk about, "Hey... do you know such-and-such? You do? Did you know he abuses children? Yeah, I know the mother of one of the children he abused..." or some such thing.
Just me.