According to the dubs, and other faiths, Adam was created with no defects of any kind. He was created with no sin. Then Adam sinned. When he did....something changed in him to cause him to die. What was it exactly? A disease? A defect? Name the defect if you can or know.
Did god make a hidden trigger in Adam and Eve only so that if they did wrong, it would change them genetically so they would have a DNA makeup that includes "sinfullness" that they would pass onto their offspring just like the Aids virus? How precious! Now that Adam was sinful.....did he now do things different than he would have before he masterbate, overeat, look lustfully on his childrens offspring years later, steal stuff, smoke wild herbs, poop in his neighbors yard? How did Adam change now that he was sinful?
Edited to add more stuff,
Btw....why would god cause a genetic defect that Adam would pass on that would make people sin......a thing that god hates?