i dont know what it is...i think its his voice i like so much. but i love Winter wonderland, and Let it Snow, sang by Bing Crosby (mom said he was one of my grand parents favortie singers) but i just love those 2 christmas songs sang by him.
Aw, c'mon. Six years old and still believes in Santa? It's time he knew anyway. A teacher's job is to teach. A class full of students ponders on what's real or not. The teacher teaches them the truth. Would you rather have your child lied to? Their lives weren't "ruined". They were taught a life lesson.
if this is a life lesson, maybe it should wait. You wouldnt except ur kids teacher to be teaching your kids about sex or any other matters like that when they are 6. That surely is a life lesson, but they were too young for it. When you're 6, you're just starting to enjoy and undersdtand what goes on at christmas. It should be sumthing they find out on their own. I know i would have been devestated if an adult told me there was no santa when i was 6 years old.
haha, i just recieved this email... i thought it was too funny, while you read it just picture yourself doing it!!!.
** 14 things to do in a walmart while your wife or significant other is taking their sweet time shopping!
1. get 24 boxes of condoms & randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking.. 2. set all the alarm clocks in housewares to go off at 5 minute intervals.. 3. make a trail of tomato juice on the floor to the rest rooms.. 8. when a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "why can't you people just leave me alone?".
all i got to do was sit on santa's lap *pouts* and one time, his fake beard fell rite off his face!!! i was horrified! thats when i stopped believe in santa