Remember to take pictures! and tell everyone about this site too .
nashville, tn .
make your reservations now!
Remember to take pictures! and tell everyone about this site too
yep, it is actually snowing here!
they are concerned about ice later today.
brrrrrr.... .
I remember a few years ago when we were driving to Florida...from Nova Scotia, 3 and a half days! We stopped for a day with some of my parents friends in Fuquay-Varina (few-kway va-ree-na) a little south of Raleigh, and we were like the only car without ice on it. I remember the cars were totally covered in ice, and some on the antennas on the cars were like 1-2 inches in diameter with ice!
here are some pictures of the labrador highway in canada taken last year.
man, that is a lot of snow!.
the pictures may take awhile to load.
Here are some pictures of the Labrador Highway in Canada taken last year. Man, That is a lot of snow!
The pictures may take awhile to load
i only know a handful of witnesses, but i do know several ex-witnesses.
all of them left in their late teens, which (as i've read here) is pretty common.
i know there are a lot of people here who left later in life.
Doubts at 14, never baptised, now I'm 15 and haven't gone to a meeting since June
i think it's april 4th.
(i think).
are you going?
I probably will be going this year.. Make my parents happy. My mom said tonight that they will pay for me to get my First Aid and lifeguard License, (I want to be a paramedic) so I guess I can go this meeting for an hour.
some recent threads on christmas celebrations got me to thinking about birthdays.
do jws forbid any aknowlegement of birthdays at all, or just the trappings of birthdays, such as cake, gifts and singing happy birthday?
what specifically is forbidden and what is ok?
Somebodylovesme wrote
That's insane. How are baby showers different from wedding showers? Aren't wedding showers "worshipping" the engaged couple?
As far as I know, wedding showers are allowed.. We've had some at our house for people.
i was just wondering who on this board is married or a couple.
my second question is, what is everybodys first name.. .
just trying to get familiar with you guys
Hi, My name is Tyler. And my girlfriends name is Melissa, she's never been a JW. She posts here under the name, MissyLissy
..............................................................control their husbands and force them to put up with all sorts of things?.
most of us here would agree that alot of men in the wts use and abuse the scriptures to keep women under the thumb.
we have seen time and again how some married brothers like to have the wife and daughters 6 paces behind him.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding-
The man is the head, but the woman is the neck, and she can turn it anyway she wants!
ok here goes.... how old were you your first time?
Guys in their teens have no intenion of sticking around for the long haul and you are not ready to settle down now either.
And so all guys are the exact same? All teen guys are just in for the sex? Possibly where you live, but not so much around here, and denfinity not me. As I said eariler, I know quite a few couples that met in their mid teens and are now married and have kids.
I know some of you might laugh at this, but missy and i are planning to 'stick around for the long haul' and even longer. We really love each other.
it's cold in toronto tonight/this a.m. - i believe it went as low as -26c (minus 26 celsius) .
it was pretty freakin' cold.
I just checked the weather this morning, and there is a Extreme wind chill warning! For good reason too! It says that it may go down to -47C or -53F!!!!
smyler, who is staying inside this morning!