a personal question about *gasp* sex!

by missylissy 85 Replies latest social relationships

  • missylissy

    lol. ok here goes...

    how old were you your first time? just curious.


  • Pleasuredome

    oh, i'm still a virgin.

  • Elsewhere

    A 15-year-old asking this question...

    I ain't gonna touch it with a ten-foot-pole!

    *** Runs and hides around the corner to watch what happens ***

  • stillajwexelder

    Can I take the 5th

  • missylissy

    lol, this is exactly why i wasnt going to ask this question!!

    *pouts* just because im 15 no one wants to answer my questions

    haha -missy

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    I was a virgin until 18, but it wasn't for lack of trying! I dated my high school boyfriend for four years, three of which I spent attempting to convince him we wouldn't both be immediately sentenced to hell for having sex. He kept to the high road, however, and we never did consummate our relationship. Funny, though, how he didn't mind receiving a healthy regular dose of oral sex....just wouldn't ever commit to doing the whole deed part-and-parcel. *sigh* We broke up our freshman year of college and my next boyfriend was more than willing to deflower me. Over and over and over....

    My husband (who is 9 years my senior) lost his virginity at 15. I take great delight in telling him that when he was having sex in the back of his Pinto, I was a six year old with red curly pigtails. Makes him grimace every time.

  • medstudent

    I was 17 when i first had sex which was with a worldly boyfriend whom i had dated for about 2 months then, but i wasn't baptised by then. The shit hit the fan cause i got pregnant..... I didn't tell my JW parents. Luckily i didn't have lots of signs, and was still wondering about whether or not to go to a clinic to get an abortion when I miscarried after almost 3 months. My parents never knew, and never will if it is up to me.

  • xjw_b12

    Missy. Ask again when you turn 21

  • tink

    i was seventeen. and it was completely lame. :P

  • missylissy

    why cant i ask now? if someone else posted it, id be able to read it!

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