I'm new at this whole computer-e-mail stuff; so I guess I should explain myself a bit. Fist, English is not my 1st language, I was born into the truth- you could say I'm 2nd generation Jehovah's Witness, & I have been disfellowshipped twice & was out for 6 years. I think from my last letter you can tell that I have a true zeal for the truth. I am married & my spouse has been visitting this web site on a regular basis & has decided that he no longer wants to attend any of our congregation meetings. This hurts me the most because we have been married 7 years now. We have had our up's & down's like any other marriage but we have added extra stress to ourselves in other ways. For example we are both working on our 2nd marriage & we have the children, ex-spouses & all that it bring with it to bring on more stress than what is necessary. However the one thing that I strongly feel would make our life better all the way around was the one thing that he has now rejected & to be quiet frank I'm having a really hard time dealing with it. I read your responses & for those of you who have experienced pain while in the truth I'm sorry but if you beleave in the bible & that their is a God; I wish that you would read the bible so that you may get to know God. Then , you could see with your minds eye that If God knows when something like a bird of small value falls from the sky that you being worth 1000 times more than that bird, that God will not forget your pain, sacrifice, or those who wronged you. Also, I have been thinking & I have to come to terms with the fact that no matter what anyone says or does or shows you, if you don't want to see then you wont.
JoinedPosts by Curyus
I'd like to explain
by Curyus ini'm new at this whole computer-e-mail stuff; so i guess i should explain myself a bit.
fist, english is not my 1st language, i was born into the truth- you could say i'm 2nd generation jehovah's witness, & i have been disfellowshipped twice & was out for 6 years.
i think from my last letter you can tell that i have a true zeal for the truth.
can't understand why people can't see .
by Curyus ini don't understand why people can't see the truth when it's right there in the bible in black & white.
you can't change it to fit your personal lifestyle or modify it by only applying what intrest or benefits you.
the wt organization has its place just like all the other secular laws have theres to protect & guide us.
I don't understand why people can't see the truth when it's right there in the bible in black & white. You can't change it to fit your personal lifestyle or modify it by only applying what intrest or benefits you. The WT organization has its place just like all the other secular laws have theres to protect & guide us. Also, none of these would be able to exist if they were not allowed by God to do so. God has entrusted this privilage to imperfect human beings which for their state of imperfection I think they are doing a pretty good job. Sure not every elder,ministerial servent or friend that attends the hall on a regular basis belongs there but you never know, they may be serving a purpose that you just can't see & it's not up to us to judge. Our only job is to do our best & to do our part in what God has asked of us in his word the bible. Also, these people who sometimes pose as freinds are only wolves in sheeplike clothes, the bible does warn us about this & if you do believe in Jehovah, then you can have faith that when all is said & done it will get taken care of in the wash. That's not to say that no sacrifice will be made afterall. Remember God has made the ultimate sacrifice.
by Curyus inhi i've tried several times to post my not so now i'm going shorten it to i beleave that people go to the hall w/good intentions & strong beliefs which i have no problem with that in itself but i cant measured what 1 indivudual should or should not be doing.
i don't think that these same people would show up to evrery 5 meeting every week if they thought it was all a crock.
anyway, we must be careful beause what's good for the gander is not neccessarily good for the ganer.
hi I've tried several times to post my not so now I'm going shorten it to I beleave that people go to the hall w/good intentions & strong beliefs which I have no problem with that in itself but I cant measured what 1 indivudual should or should not be doing. I don't think that these same people would show up to evrery 5 meeting every week if they thought it was all a crock. Anyway, we must be careful beause what's good for the gander is not neccessarily good for the ganer. & every one in is not neccessarylly in & everyone out is not neccessaryly our not are they we are not to jdge.