There's A Ghost At My Place Of Employment

by finallysomepride 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • finallysomepride

    Ok some of you will laugh at this, but it's true, there is a spirit that haunts the premises where I work.

    It has spoken to me once when I was locking up, it was 1 single word "hello", I looked around and saw nothing, I ignored it, set the alarm locked the door & went home. Other times I have felt something brush passed me as I have entered the building early in the morning. The experience that got to me most happened the other nite when I was called back to the store by security, as I pulled into the drive way there was a man standing at the rear of the building, in the split second of looking away he dissapeared, there's no way that he could have run off the property in that split second.

    What do you think?

    I know all about what JWs would say, but as I & most of you are no longer JWs what do you think about the subject of ghosts etc? any thoughts.

  • quietlyleaving

    well when we moved into a new flat many years ago I faintly heard someone say goodbye but this may have been my imagination responding to the nicotine stained walls. I later found out that the elderly gentleman who died in the flat smoked and died of lung cancer. Nothing else happened after that.

  • KingAgag

    Sometimes our mind interprets things... Like it may have been a normal noise that you interpreted as a voice. Many children 'see' things in the shadows but they are just shadows. Lack of a direct explanation doesn't mean it is ghosts. I personally don't believe in ghosts anymore than any other imaginary being like a fairy, unicorn or, as an atheist, God.

  • MissingLink

    It's just brain junk.

  • lisavegas420

    I work in an old building. Been hearing some weird noise. Thankfully, I'm not the only one hearing it. But it sounds like a voice crying or yelling out, but muffled like. We both have gotten up from our desks and looked around trying to find out where the noise is coming from. It's really eerie.


  • finallysomepride

    I'm not the only one that has been spoken to by this entity, the other day when one of my assistants was locking up he too was spoken to but actually by name. it said "good bye J..." spocked the crap out of him.

    During the night items are moved about the store, mainly light items, ok sometimes these could be natural causes, but I don't accept that this is the case always.

    I'm open minded about this subject, about this world & the universe we know & understand very little.

  • quietlyleaving

    I'm open minded about this subject, about this world & the universe we know & understand very little.

    I so agree with you, finallysomepride. Some things just don't have a causal explanation but that do happen in reality.

  • oldseeker

    OK, I'll jump on this one.

    I see that there are quite a few who don't believe in ghosts or "demons". I wouldn't either except that I have had a number of experiences with what I will call demons. As an elder I helped a few of the publishers with "problems" they had with "demons", and I mean that literally. This ranged from rocking chairs rocking in the living room with no one in them, lights going on and off by themselves, doors opening and shutting on their own. I saw these things. The one that made the most impression on me was the "poltergeist" demon (a demon that throws things). An older sister was having a problem with one of these and I got to see what was happening. This demon would take books out of the bookshelf in her bedroom and throw them across the room to crash into the wall on the other side. That will get your attention!

    I won't go into the JW detail of how some of these were resolved but I will say that merely calling on the name "Jehovah" didn't work. I actually think the demons were amused by that, if they left off their "attack" it may have been because they were annoyed with it not charmed away by using a name.

    In all of the experiences I have had, the common thing I noted was the weird cold that I felt as a presence in the room. Not the kind that changes the temperature in the room but a deep to the bones sensation of cold.

    Kind of wierd that you brought this up so close to Halloween.


  • BurnTheShips

    I have also had experiences of a similar nature, and seen things I can't explain, both while alone and along with others. If it is my mind playing tricks on me, I find it hard to explain how another person observed the same thing along with me.

  • undercover

    You're right...I am laughing


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