The Great Tribulation is picking up speed!!!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized 67 Replies latest watchtower bible
Eventually, when the 'generation' doctrine gets conveniently forgotten (2014 will be a fairly significant catalyst psychologically for many JWs, but actual changes in doctrine will take longer) the leadership will most likely change the "great tribulation" into an 'invisible' or 'spiritual' 'fulfilment', possibly as something that started in 1914.
In the early 1900s, they predicted that the churches would be literally destroyed wholesale by 1918. But as shown in the Revelation Climax book, they reworked that as being 'symbolic' of the churches being 'dead spiritually'.
Similarly, what is currently seen to be a future literal destruction at armageddon will likely be seen in future JW doctrine as complete 'spiritual death', and so no more preaching will be required, possibly with a greater emphasis on avoiding 'unnecessary' contact with 'the world'. The 'anointed' will die off, to be seen as 'ruling in heaven' and 'directing' the Watch Tower Society, which continue to direct the lives of the 'rank and file'.
More emphasis will be put on JWs 'already' living in a 'spiritual paradise', and the lost promise of a literal paradise will be minimised or seen as a distant future possibility. Bitterness about not living in the promised literal 'paradise' will be counteracted with the concept that 'true worshippers' 'should' love god without 'expecting a reward'.
Times were much worse for people during the Dark Ages. Start reading history.
Still not up to speed? Must be a defective governor. ;-)
The great stone 'not cut out by hands' has been hurtling towards all the kingdoms of this wicked system since 1914. Evidently, the great distance between heaven and earth is surely the explanation for what that stone has been doing the last 98 years--travelling at speeds beyond our comprehension towards this wicked system of things!
The Great Tribulation is picking up speed!!!!!!!!!!!!
One segment of the commercialized fraud of the WTS. publishing house.
Could it be that the universe is expanding faster that the "cut by no hands" stone is hurtling?
sd-7: The great stone 'not cut out by hands' has been hurtling towards all the kingdoms of this wicked system since 1914. Evidently, the great distance between heaven and earth is surely the explanation for what that stone has been doing the last 98 years--travelling at speeds beyond our comprehension towards this wicked system of things!
Yes, of course. The stone is coming from obviously more than 98 light-years away!
Evidently, the stone was cut from the Pleiades star cluster which is, as you know doubt know, about 126 to 132 parsecs away from Earth. A parsec is of course about 3.26 light-years.
Therefore we can easily calculate the arrival of the great stone 'not cut out by hands'.
If we multiply 3.26 times the distance of the Pleiades from earth, first using the lower/closer range and then the further distance we get:
126 x 3.26 = 411; or 132 x 3.26 = 430.
Then, if we add these results to the year of Christ's Invisible Arrival we can estimate when this stone will arrive here at earth beginning the Great Tribulation:
1914 + 411 = 2,325; or 1914 + 430 = 2,344.
These divinely inspired calculations enable us to determine with great precision these exciting results:
Armageddon will be here between the years 2,325 and 2,344 C.E., give or take.
These are exciting times and it is important that we maintain a sense of urgency now that the End of this Wicked System of Things is so near at hand!