Do you think that Armaggeddon is "near" or many, many years away?

by booker-t 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    Blondie has the right idea. The present is the only thing we can affect and for most of us our affects are small, but they can cause ripples.

    Enjoy today and make your part of the world a happier place.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Dude, its never gonna happen.

  • TheListener

    Most dubs are tired and worn out. They look to armageddon as their only way out. But, on the other hand they also have to prepare themselves for this system to drag on for many years. It is up to Jehovah when armageddon comes.

    I remember the stress I was under to stay prepared for armageddon any second yet be ready to live my full lifetime in this system. For me it was mentally taxing. I'm sure other dubs feel the same way.

  • defd

    it is one day closer than it was yesterday.

  • daystar

    Each and every one of us will greet our Armageddon... on whichever day it happens to be that we die. I will no longer focus on death as do the death-cults. Life is much more interesting... er, despite what my avatar may indicate.

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