"No Apologies is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

by No Apologies 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Sometimes I just don't know when to keep my big mouth shut. Today I think finally said enough to get DA'd.

    For those of you just tuning in, a recap: about 2-3 years I came to realize everything I had been taught as a JW was a load of steaming turds. Since then I have managed to fade away more or less, without incident. At the same time I realized I needed to get out of a dead marriage, especially when my wife made it clear she had no intention of leaving the Borg.

    So, our divorce is progressing, we had aranged for me to come and get the rest of my stuff out of the house Saturday. We had also agreed that we would have a 3rd party present in case there was any kind of disagreement, a JW neighbor from down the street. I called Friday to confirm the arrangements, everything was still a go. However when I got to the house, instead of the neighbor there was a husband and wife present instead. No explanation from my as to why the change in plan. If I had been smart, I would have left then and there, since my wife had obviously changed our agreement without telling me.

    Instead I stayed, starting packing things up. All of a sudden this guy starts telling me how we should proceed. After the second incident, I told him he needed to back off. So then he goes and stands in the corner and just watches.

    Well I had to leave, and we agreed that I would stop by today to pick up the van we had loaded up, and also finish packing up the rest of my belongings. I show up at the agreed-upon time, shortly thereafter, (surprise!) this couple shows up again, this time of course in their meeting clothes. I am packing all my Watchtower-related literature, so rude guy asks me why I would want the literature. I told him , its my stuff, I want it. Of course he persisted, now revealing that he is an elder, and he is curious about whether I still considered myself a dub.

    Now, I knew this was coming, I knew where he was heading, but stupidly I continued the conversation. He kept trying to pin me down on whether I was still a witness, and I kept telling him I wasn't going to answer any of his questions. It was pretty funny, one of his first comments was that he could see my attitude, since I had a beard!!! When I went to leave, I asked for his name, which he had told me yesterday. He said his name was Eric, I asked his last name, he wouldn't tell me.

    So basically some guy I don't even know, won't give me his name, was able with the help of my wife, to confront me in what was my house and ask me a lot of personal questions about my life and my marriage, making it fairly clear that this was my last chance to get back in good with Jehovah. I fully expect to hear back that based on our conversation, I no longer consider myself one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and that the announcement will be made.

    So again, the lesson here, never trust a JW, even a marriage mate. Never allow yourself to get cornered by an elder, and if you do, keep your mouth shut.

    No Apologies

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I cannot imagine how you must be feeling right now.

    If they do DA or DF you that isn't the worst that can happen.

    The worst would be staying in a religion organization that cares more for quotas and selling books than it does people.

    Hang in there bud

  • BrendaCloutier

    (((( No Apologies )))))

    I'm sorry for the treatment you are receiving by such loving people.



  • Aude_Sapere

    Typical J-Dubbery.

    Sorry you had to go thru that crap.


  • carla

    Sorry you are going through all of this. As a ubm I have met (long time ago now) with a few from the hell. Never being a jw I was still nervous but lost it everytime I met with them. Arrogant s.o.b.'s that they are. At the time I was still pretty green with all of this jw crap. Even dropped a few 'naughty words'! to say the least. when they started in about my marriage I had just about had enough! They didn't have any answers for any of the stuff I brought, which was considerable. Do I trust my husband? in short, no. He misses out on many things that go on in the lives of his family. wishing you all the best, I know a little of what you are going through, carla

  • Cygnus

    I don't want to steal your thunder or be redundant since many know this of me, but two elders came over 3 years after I had been inactive to invite me to that year's Memorial. When I said thanks but no thanks, they said, 'Well, the real reason we're here is we're forming a judicial committee regarding you, unless you just want to let us know right here (in my living room) if you still consider yourself one of Jehovah's Witnesses.'

    You're right, NA, you can't trust 'em. They think they're doing what's right for the brotherhood and for God.


    Rbi8 Philippians 1:18 ***

    What then? [Nothing,] except that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being publicized, and in this I rejoice. In fact, I will also keep on rejoicing...

  • candidlynuts

    it sucks that you were put in that position. hugs

  • avishai

    Nah, if they do, appeal it, and say those comments were definitely under duress. If someone tried to pull the kind of bullshit he did on me, He'd know in no uncertain terms that he'd need to shut the hellup.

    Badgering you while you are going through a divorce is despicable. I'd think even your average b.o.e might understand that.

  • FlyingHighNow

    You can't trust your brother in law either, even when he tells you that he's not been to a meeting in three months, has all the elders angry with him and he has figured out on his own that 607 is incorrect. Then calls for several months pouring his heart out about how horridly his family is being treated, etc. etc.

  • googlemagoogle

    do you have any family/friends still in the borg?

    i also had this question "do you still consider yourself a JW", but the elder asked me without a second witness. i told him i wont answer that question. later he asked if he could stop by with a second elder, i told him i don't see any reason for that and i'll have different answers ready, so it won't be any useful for them either...

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