These are the folks that invented the term "negative growth" to describe their membership shrinking.
They are also the folks that have written entire Watchtower articles explaining what a "lie" is. Those of you that were never JW's might suspect it's something like "statements that aren't true", but oh no. According to Watchtower's Third No-Collegiate Dogmationary, a lie is a very narrowly defined thing that has more to do with who is asking the question than what the answer is.
My Dad called me apostate for saying the Org has published falsehoods in the name of God. Does that count?
Sure it counts.The WT boys are sure a sensitive bunch.They don't like to be called wrong,false prophets or a cult and yet that is what they are. They have no problem putting those labels on everyone else though.
My mother said something similar to me about "new light". I opened her Bible and read the scripture about the light getting brighter and brighter, and told her it is contrasting good and evil and that good becomes more evident as time goes on.............light gets brighter. So, was she saying that it was evil before?
That was the gist of it, but it was about 8 years ago, so I have forgotten the good stuff I said. She told me I was right about the explanation though, so I asked her why they use that scripture to explain ever changing beliefs. She didn't know why, but she still says it.