Feedback on going to the KH w/ your friend. Hmm. I think it'd be beneficial for YOU to go...maybe go to another local congregation and walk in on your own and sit in and listen. Or go to a different time that she goes to. (You can always use the excuse that someone you work with -- who goes to yet ANOTHER congregation far away invited you -- cause you walking in by yourself you'll get questioned on to what do they deserve the pleasure of your 'visit.')
I just see it as a very sensitive, and potentially volatile thing if you even bring up to your friend that you want to go with her. Undoubtedly she'll have that little inkling that is normal for all JW's to have (even if you are sort of on your way out) to go 'oh my, what if he changes for Jehovah? what if he likes what he sees and then becomes one?...then I'll have the best of everything.'
I'd say you're teetering on the edge of really confusing her if you want to go and appear interested -- attending with her shows interest. It's not like another religion in that you can go and hear the stuff. That being said, I think you SHOULD go, if you want to...and hear just what is being 'fed' there. But, IMHO just not together.
Plus, take it from me... everyone and their mom will see that you're there "with" her (even if you're not WITH her) and then that'll start the rumor-mill. "Hey, did you see sister so-and-so had some guy sitting w/ her? I wonder if that's her boyfriend." "Maybe he's from another congregation." "Let's go introduce ourselves to him to get the scoop." (They have no lives, remember? anything is juicy gossip...ESPECIALLY if it's a JW who could potentially be dating an unbeliever.)
While you're at a KH, pay attention to the focus that is placed on an individual's allegiance (my word, not theirs, although implied) to Jehovah AND the organization. That's what a lot of it boils down to. The organization is in their minds the SAME thing as Jehovah God himself, so adhering to any and all policies stemming from the organization are seen as coming from God.
Let us know how it turns out. Sending some good vibes your way so that things work out the way you will be happy.