How many of you shunned others when you were a JW?

by Lady Lee 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Breakfast at Cranberrys
    Breakfast at Cranberrys
    I never shunned, but I never went out of my way to keep in contact with DF'ed one's (very often anyway). I still feel like shit about that sometimes.

    GetBusyLiving, I know just how you feel. Oh how I wish I had kept in touch with some of my friends over the years that were DF'd. But no, I was a good little witness who never looked back for those who "fell away." Sheesh. Now I'd love to find them.

    Of course, this is a very selfish point. I do feel terrible about how my shunning ways no doubt affected others. Yuck, I'm a jerk. For the most part, I just avoided those who were df'd. Although I never had the experience of having a very close friend/family member df'd. I come from a huge family of witnesses. Four (five?) generations worth. They bleed watchtower red. Haven't spoken to any family in two years.

  • dorayakii

    I never shunned, but I never went out of my way to keep in contact with DF'ed one's (very often anyway). I still feel like shit about that sometimes.

    me too... i never shunned as such, i always said hello or smiled in the street. Even as a young child, i could never bring myself to totally ignore a person, and often got into conversations with disfellowshipped ones who i saw on the road and who asked me how i was doing at school. I'd tell my dad that i'd seen so-and-so one the street, he'd ask me "what did you say to them?" (that was always the first thing on his mind, not how they are)... at that point, to get out of it, i always said something like "oh i didn't say anything, i just saw them".

    However, one particular thing i'm not so proud of is not really keeping in touch with a couple good friends, one who was marked and the other whose parents were both DF'd. (

  • flag

    No, I did not!

    And I always felt bad that I couldn't talk to them in the KH.

    That was one of the reasons that accelarated my exit from the org.

    I cannot imagine a God of love treating anybody like that.

  • greendawn

    I never shunned anyone there was no one to shun when I was a JW at that KH. But if there were I wouldn't shun them unless they were guilty of a great misdeed (big fraud, adultery) in which case I would have minimal contact with them. Not for "apostasy" or smoking or celebrating holidays or accepting blood etc.

  • stillAwitness

    Anger growing... must.. not.. explode..


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