When we first started going to meetings in the late 1960s
- the magazines were 4¢ each and the householder was asked to contribute 5¢ each - there was a small commission built in for the publishers (similar with books and other offerings)
- hot meals were available at circuit assemblies and district conventions
- association and having fun within the congregation was actively encouraged
- disfellowshipping was almost unheard of, and only reserved for the worst offenses; disassociation wasn't even invented yet - you could actually leave and they didn't punish you for it
- it actually felt like a "Brotherhood" sometimes
By the time we quit in the mid-90s
- the literature was offered by way of Voluntary Donation Arrangement™ - the publisher was expected to make a donation when they received literature at the KH, and then donate any proceeds they received while engaged in the door-to-door work (effectively doubling the WTS's "take" if it had worked as planned)
- circuit assemblies and conventions were Simplified™ - no more food or drink was made available, and instructions were given to not frequent establishments outside the convention building for meals; you either brown-bagged it, or you went hungry; you weren't even allowed to use the on-site vending machines. (We went to one convention where even the GUM BALL machines were covered with garbage bags so the kids would put their dimes into the contribution boxes instead of getting gum)
- association is curtailed to the point where people only get invited to your home for dinner is if it is an elder and the husband is sucking up so he can be appointed; it is rare to see "widows and orphans" included in social activities in the congregation
- you can be DFd for "not believing" the "unique teachings" of Jehovah's Witnesses. And if you get caught doing something that JWs shouldn't be doing, they don't have to give you the benefit of a Judicial Committee hearing - they can just say you Disassociated Yourself By Your Actions™.
- the spy network among JWs is so rabid that you dare not trust anyone.... it's dangerous to have friends who are too close and know you too well