Still on the fence!

by acuragirl 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist
    AlmostAtheist has Crisis of Conscience, that's where we bought our copy.

  • blondie

    You can order them here from the author.

  • acuragirl
    Its great to have listening ears.The witnesses dont listen to your concerns and questions they just say you must be hanging out with a bad associate,if you are questioning the dubs.My own mother doesnt even listen to my questions.One time i remember me and my sister asking her questions about the religon,genuine questions from the heart that we needed answers to.She got really mad and started yelling at us that we should know all the answers to these questions because we grew up as dubs .Guess what i was a kid i wasnt paying attension at the meetings.Duh! She gave us some lame answers we still questioned and we gave up!I have never gotten a straight answer from a dub.Thats no suprise.
  • avishai

    this post here is one that shows how they are full of it.

    Defd, answer me this, how can they be right if 607 is wrong? I also suggest YOU look at that post.

  • blondie

    acuragirl, did you think that she reacts like that because SHE doesn't now the answers to those questions. I was a JW for almost 40 years and I was shocked to realize how many JWs could not explain why they believed the things they did...the WTS says.


  • avishai

    Here's a good one to show your mom!!

  • greendawn

    That programmed satan fear plays on your mind, funnily enough it's if you stay in dubland that satan will harm your life very extensively. We all know very well their failed prophecies, systematic lying, and gross lack of christian love that reign in them.

    Why fear a multinational big business that's only interested in making big dollars?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Acuragirl - first of all WELCOME to the board. I do not recall your previous posts - but glad to see you here.

    Many here have experienced the same agony you are dealing with now. Mine occurred two years back. I came to understand then that JW's were not God's organized people. Before that I dealt with a half dozen years of aching doubts. Still at times I have to shake myself loose from the old mind-control of the organization.

    Wifey and I spent most our lives as witnesses - we were nearly 50 when we came to know 'the truth about the truth'. I believe that God [or Christ] empowered us to know that, not supernaturally, but by allowing the blinders to fall from our eyes regarding the truly evil concept forwarded by Jehovah's witnesses that they and they alone have access to God and his thinking.

    You will have some time filled with fear that you are doing what God disaproves. Slowly, mostly by logical understanding of the flase teachings and prophecies of JW's, you will come to see that they are just another religion -an abusive, hateful religion in many ways.

    I hope we can help you to shed the shackles. Remember it is a process - not a moment. Time is what it takes.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Defd, answer me this, how can they be right if 607 is wrong? I also suggest YOU look at that post.

    Avishai - No use, man. I have gone that route with him - he let's it fall off like water on a duck.


  • ocsrf
    She got really mad and started yelling at us


    When I read that, sounded so much like what happened to me when I was a kid. I asked some question, mom went off...LOL, I am sure she just couldn't answer and how best to shut up a kid then to yell at them.

    I never asked again, just accepted, with many seeds of doubts over the years.


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