That people who discover the Jehovah's Witnesses and their WatchTower Bible and Tract Society are not nor ever have been approved by God to 'speak' for Him and then leave the group are not going to be resurrected? According to the Bible everyone who has ever lived experiences a resurrection, so where does the WT 'No Resurrection' teaching originate other than in the demented minds of the WT hierarchy?
Where is their Scriptural proof?
by Honesty 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
The big thing they always say is that the resurrection of the "unrighteous" is for those that didnt get a chance to learn "the truth" and the resurrection of the "righteous" is for those that became witnesses. I know there is a scripture that does talk about the righteous and the unrighteous being resurrected.
They also quote the scripture on "blood guilt" where it talks about if you dont preach to someone their blood is on your head, but that if you preach and they dont listen their blood (death without resurrection??) is upon their own head.
I'm not sure entirely what else they are using for their justification.
Rule #1. You must always act as if the Governing Body is never wrong . . . even if they have no proof . . . or you will be shunned.
Rule #2. If the Governing Body is ever wrong . . . see rule #1. -
Rule #1. You must always act as if the Governing Body is never wrong . . . even if they have no proof . . . or you will be shunned.
Rule #2. If the Governing Body is ever wrong . . . see rule #1.Oh yeah, I forgot. It has been such a long time since I haven't been shunned that I sometimes think shunning is a way of life for the Watchtower puppets.
I don't think that is their teaching. I think they teach, based on Hebrews 6, that those of the anointed who become apostate share in the immediate 2nd death along with Adam, Eve, Judas, and certain religious leaders of Jesus' day. But other sheep folk who become apostate and die have Romans 6:23 applied to them, meaning their sins are forgiven at death, and they start on a clean state when resurrected during the millenial reign
Now What?
The WT- fine logic at work...
pe chap. 20 pp. 170-172 Resurrection—for Whom, and Where? ***WHO
In the beginning it was not God’s purpose to resurrect anyone, because if Adam and Eve had remained faithful no one would have had to die. But then Adam’s sin brought imperfection and death upon everyone. (Romans 5:12) So to make it possible for any of Adam’s children to enjoy everlasting life, Jehovah God arranged for the resurrection. But what determines whether a person is resurrected or not?11
The Bible explains: "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." (Acts 24:15) This may surprise some. ‘Why bring the "unrighteous" back to life?’ they may wonder. What happened while Jesus was hanging on the torture stake will help us to answer this question.12
These men next to Jesus are criminals. One of them has just finished insulting him, saying: "You are the Christ, are you not? Save yourself and us." However, the other criminal believes Jesus. He turns to him and says: "Remember me when you get into your kingdom." At that, Jesus promises: "Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise."—Luke 23:39-43.13
But what does Jesus mean when he says: "You will be with me in Paradise"? Where is Paradise? Well, where was the paradise God made at the beginning? It was on earth, was it not? God put the first human pair in the beautiful paradise called the garden of Eden. So when we read that this former criminal will be in Paradise, we should picture in our minds this earth made into a beautiful place in which to live, for the word "paradise" means "garden" or "park."—Genesis 2:8, 9.14
Jesus Christ, of course, will not be right here on earth with the former criminal. No, Jesus will be in heaven ruling as king over the earthly Paradise. So he will be with that man in the sense that He will raise him from the dead and care for his needs, both physical and spiritual. But why will Jesus permit a man who was a criminal to live in Paradise?15
It is true that this man did bad things. He was "unrighteous." Also, he was ignorant of God’s will. But would he have been a criminal if he had known about God’s purposes? To find out, Jesus will resurrect this unrighteous man, as well as thousands of millions of others who died in ignorance. For instance, in past centuries many people died who did not know how to read and who had never seen a Bible. But they will be raised from Sheol, or Hades. Then, in the paradise earth, they will be taught God’s will, and they will have the opportunity to prove that they really do love God by doing his will.16
This does not mean that everyone will receive a resurrection. The Bible shows that Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus, will not. Because of his willful wickedness, Judas is called "the son of destruction." (John 17:12) He went to the symbolic Gehenna from which there is no resurrection. (Matthew 23:33) Persons who willfully do what is bad after knowing God’s will may be sinning against the holy spirit. And God will not resurrect those who sin against his holy spirit. (Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26, 27) However, since God is the Judge, there is no reason for us to try to figure out whether certain wicked people in the past or in modern times will be resurrected or not. God knows who is in Hades and who is in Gehenna. For our part, we should do everything we can to be the kind of persons that God wants in his new system.—Luke 13:24, 29.17
The fact is that not all who receive everlasting life will need to be resurrected. Many servants of God now living in these "last days" of this system of things will live through Armageddon. And then, as part of the righteous "new earth," they will never need to die. What Jesus said to Martha can in a literal way be true of them: "And everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all."—John 11:26; 2 Timothy 3:1.18
Who are the "righteous" that are to be resurrected? These will include faithful servants of God who lived before Jesus Christ came to earth. Many of these persons are mentioned by name in Hebrews chapter 11. They did not hope to go to heaven, but hoped to live again on earth. Also among the "righteous" to be resurrected are faithful servants of God who have died in recent years. God will see to it that their hope of living forever on earth is realized by raising them from the dead.Wow! When I was in, I never realized how many assumptions that they made.
When Paul said he was caught away into paradise he also said it was the Third Heaven, i.e. Highest Heaven to the Jews. He said paradise was the dwelling place of God. The word for paradise (Hebrew or Greek) is only used in four Scriptures in the entire NWT, and the bulk of their modern day doctrine is built around three of those.
Now What?
Holy Schizzle Batman! I just ran across this little gem...
Not Resurrected. While it is true that Christ’s ransom sacrifice was given for mankind in general, Jesus indicated that its actual application nevertheless would be limited when he said: "Just as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many." (Mt 20:28) Jehovah God has the right to refuse to accept a ransom for anyone he deems unworthy. Christ’s ransom covers the sins an individual has because of being a child of sinful Adam, but a person can add to that by his own deliberate, willful course of sin, and he can thus die for such sin that is beyond coverage by the ransom.The last line blows me away....
he can thus die for such sin that is beyond coverage by the ransom.
So, we can can be greater than Christ since we can sin greater than what he can heal?!?!?
Def'd or Scholar please address this for us.
*edited to add reference: it-2 Resurrection, p791-792 -
I think they teach, based on Hebrews 6, that those of the anointed who become apostate share in the immediate 2nd death along with Adam, Eve, Judas, and certain religious leaders of Jesus'
There`s also the back-and-forth flip-flopping on people who are to horrible for JWs to swallow, like those "damn homos" of Soddom and Gomorrah. The WTS never could decide on them, so they went back and forth on whether they were to be ressurected. Anyone knows what the current stand on the people of S and G is now? Actually, I think this example is important. If they are NOT going to be ressurected, how about all the other homos in history, then? William Shakespeare won`t be ressurected? Oscar Wilde? Leonardo Da Vincì? And where does it say in the Bible that homosexuality is an unforgivable sin? Paul lists them in the same sentence as adulterers, alcoholics, and so forth. What was it that the people of S and G did that was SO horrible that they won`t get ressurected? Mass orgies?
Nowhat I couldnt have said it better myself.
;Not ;Resurrected. While it is true that Christ’s ransom sacrifice was given for mankind in general, Jesus indicated that its actual application nevertheless would be limited when he said: "Just as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many." (Mt 20:28) Jehovah God has the right to refuse to accept a ransom for anyone he deems unworthy. Christ’s ransom covers the sins an individual has because of being a child of sinful Adam, but a person can add to that by his own deliberate, willful course of sin, and he can thus die for such sin that is beyond coverage by the ransom.D.