The U.S. is playing the game to win as is every other country
Don't paint other countries with YOUR brush.
When was the last time Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark or any of a host of other countries tried to carve up the world for their own ends?
Most people are easily led or fooled. It takes time to become intelligent and aware of how things work in life. How long were we slaves to a con artist publishing company that we worked for for free?
I think some continue to be easily led and easily fooled. As Mr Bush TRIED to say - Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. (you know, the one where he get's it wrong, bumbles and looks like a bafoon*)
But I get the impression you're gullible as to European propaganda you call your free press as you were when you were a JW swallowing the propoganda of the Watchtower. Attempt a more global view of your criticisms..
Ah yes. Anything that doesn't coincide with the narrow view of a certain band of Americans is "evil propaganda" designed to mislead the spiritually politically weak. You sound just like the WTS.
Hey, why don't YOU try to get a more 'global view. It is frankly hillarious to be lectured on the issue of media propaganda and having a world view ... by a Texan!
The problem isn't a particular country. The problem is human nature. And we already know what to do to fix things in this world. But we seem genetically predisposed to be unstable and prone to silly insane behavior on a minor and world scale as human beings and as nations. Since the problem is inherent in human nature it is not going to change. Therefore the game is not going to change. The players may change names but the game is not going to stop.
The biggest problems are caused by a small number of countries.
Not all nationalities cause the problems so its not human nature so much as certain greedy selfish societies that breed selfish policies.
What is the solution? Invade more countries? Drop more bombs? Your country seems incapable of learning any lessons from the past. Mine currently seem incapable of thinking for itself.
If you don't think "the game" can change or should change then what the hell do you care and why get involved? The fact is you know that it can and WILL change and you just don't like how that change may affect you which is why you are getting involved.
The game will stop when the people get tired of being pawns in a game. That always happens eventually. It can stop in a good way, through proper democratic process, public pressure and ACCOUNTABILITY or it can stop in a bad way through revolution but it will stop.
* Sorry, in hindsight I know that doesn't narrow it down that much.