Id rather have questions I cant answer than answers I cant question. To the placing of many books there is no end, and many hours in field service bring weariness to the soul
Ideas for bumper stickers/signs...what can you come up with?
by AuldSoul 39 Replies latest jw friends
I have on MY car " Not Perfect Just Forgiven"
Starts alot of conversations about my life in the WT---They ask what am I forgiven for ?( some dirty remaks) most clean ! But I then tell them what being in bondage & taking others in with me is like .
Mary, just ask my wife. I chose bust ! 36H when I married her, but we got 'em reduced for her back.
What a terrible thread.... I've started and can't stop!Don't think.. join the borg
Reading this makes you an Apostate!
God Kills
Armageddon the last day of your life.
1914, 1918, 1975, whatever...
New light, more blinding, great.
Do what the slave class says?
Dur-Crap! Holy Spirit Batman.
Awake! Oh the irony.
Inspired of God ...unless we heard him wrong...
Todays truth, tomorrows cover up.
"Turn the other cheek" Jehovah of Armies
'The flood happened' Watchtower TM
"Seduce a virgin, get paid." Exodus 22:16 & 17
No doubt I'll be posting some more later...
AK - Jeff
I really want to have this one made up - but so far all I find is that I have to buy huge quanitites to get them made.
Ask me why,,, I left the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Thanks for the input. There is an actual purpose to this. I am seriously considering my "Out With a Bang" move: An "Apostacar." We have two. One is an older model that needs some "sprucing up." Heh-heh...
Keep 'em coming. I need as many as I can get that JWs would understand but that I couldn't technically get DF'd for. Many of these are great, so far. Later I'll add some that I can get DF'd for...
Almost Athiest had a one liner thread. His was,
"I would rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question"
These are just great!
Jeff, I think you can buy some quality sticker material to run through your printer if you really want to make one.