I have a bumper sticker (but no car) that was my avatar here for a while. It has a picture of Jesus on the cross with a circle and line through it and read "Christendom Sucks." It was right next to my Darwin fish.
Ideas for bumper stickers/signs...what can you come up with?
by AuldSoul 39 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
Jeff, I think you can buy some quality sticker material to run through your printer if you really want to make one.
I was unaware of that. Can I just buy it at Wally world or somewhere - maybe staples? Hey thanx Carla.
courtesy WBTS
"To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh." Eccl. 12:12, NWT
I can't remember who pointed out that verse here on JWD...it's a great one though!
"Millions once living are now dead!" ....only a JW would get it.
The millions quote is so full of possibilities.
I remember I saw a picture in a KH of all these people at one of Joe's talks with that big banner displayed. I wondered how they could hang that picture without noting the irony that almost everyone in that picture is now dead.
As it has been said, the "millions now living will never die" campaign REALLY was to publicize the soon-coming "changing of the guard" from man's government to God's government, since the "times of the nations" had already ended. The millions on earth who would accept the new rulership would "never die". It is deceptive for the WTS to imply that it represented the "optimistic" hope that millions would join the International Bible Students. The few people in the IBSA at the time were going to be in heaven to administer the new government w/Christ.
In any case, I liked Danny Haszard's variation on the theme: "Millions now dying will never live"
Congrats on Jedi! Or maybe not. It means we still have to be here.
Nothing against all you fine folks, but I would count myself blessed to have never heard of the jw.
VaccinationOrgan TransplantsTransfusing any portion of bloodTransfusing SOME portions of blood is against the law of God.Edited: thanks, CYP. You're quickly gaining ground. Oh well what doesn't kill you...