God; Who Is He
Since the age of 15 I wanted to know who was God and why He was who He was. And since that day I've come to understand
this, God is Who He is because He is life.I've come to understand Him as the Creator of all. Let me break it down as I see Him;...It's rough to explain God. Now as scriptures says it no one can really know Him, except to what He said He was. We've seen Him in His nature..in other words He shows us His nature, yet at the same time He never goes against His true nature.
He has told us He is God. Plus His personal name, and He has a few, is YHWH. Basically His name is not prnounceable.........
"for My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher then the earth, So are My ways higher then your ways, And My thoughts then your thoughts."----ISAIAH 55: 8,9----
So, no matter how much we try to figure out this God, we'll never make it. And since we are created with a, " Free Will," we'll continue to try to figure Him out and really never, ever, come to the right choice.
Before anything was created, as I understand it, This Supreme Being, had the intelligence to know that we had to have the smarts to know what a God was. So He put wisdom in our brain to learn what a God was.
Next step God had to create, in us, the ability to understand Him in simple terms, because we'll never have the ability to know all of who and what God is. The proof in that is we have a hard enough times in remembering a few dozen names and there are a thousand, thousands, sand on earth and thousands of stars in the heavens and God named them all and remembers their names.
God, as we know Him, that may not be the fullness of who He is, but God is because that's the way we've come to see Him. And if God can sit in the center of a bush and be on fire and never burn the bush now that's awsome.
As for His personal name....I've studied, done research, and tried to discover His personal name for over 40 years. I've read Hebrew, Greek, Latan, Arabic, and all of the ancient languages and the nearest thing I could ever come up with was....."IAM."
There is a scientific term of what I'm trying to say is, using Achems Razar----meaning the simplist solution is probably the right one.----
Another word for reaching God's personal name is, "ELOHEM." It's an ancient word meaning more then one. It very well could stand for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Stop right there....you're thinking, "There he goes on a Trinity trip." I never meant it, yet you thought it. Well..I would think it. Trinity only means 3 in ancient latan. And if you really want to be confused..or not...you can only go back to ISAIAH 55:8,9.
No one really knows the true nature if God. Only the parts of God, God needs for you to understand Him. God doesn't want all of us to know Him fully, because He knows that we can't. God only wants us to Love Him half as much as He loves us.
Anyway that's how I see and understand God. One more thought on my opinion of the nature of God.......Why does God....the Father always remain invisible? Simple......
If the universe saw the true nature of God, the universe would vaporize in an instant. As the scripture teach it...."God is a firy force of pure energy." So if a single angel can destroy an entire army within minutes can you imagine or even fantasize the power of God?