Sorry Gumby..I didn't mean to over look your comments. Just got carried away.
I don't believe that people don't look in the right direction for God..I feel that people get tired, and I sure did, but they listen to others and begain to accept these things. Look at all the religions of the world? And the more these religions told me that they were right, the more I studied.
Yes, as many good people do, we, at times, need to rely on others. Like parents we need to look towards them as we grow. That is if we have parents that know the right path. So when we become adults we need to look back and see how our lives have become. Of course I refuse to grow up. After all Christ told us that we must become like children. The problem with parents.....and many mean well...think that their children are there's to do as they wish. They forgotten the most important issue. God gave the parents children to guide and protect. The children are God's. And children are a gift from God.