Your personal ad, if you were really honest about it...

by DanTheMan 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • coolhandluke

    All right, lets play

    I'm 26 and my name is Dominick as in dominate as in master as in yours if you please, hell if you don't please.

    I speak my mind more often than not and get into trouble. I have a few tight friends who have managed to look past the gut reaction of offense to the things I say and just laugh. I'm all about learning something. I love conversations with people who read or think. Commonly they are few and far in between.

    I speak two languages and want to speak 7 before I die. Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Italian and German added to English and Spanish.

    I love challenges and get bored by stupidity. Truly I love people but don't understand them, their choices or their lack of personal accountability. I love smoking cigars because the high is legal and passes quickly enough that I get my mind back.

    I love world music. Playing bass is the closest thing I have felt to nirvana save surfing. My perfect day would involve a beach, a board, a bass, some thick thighs, a bong, a steak and a guiness from the tap.

    I love sex but get bored with it. I need a connection with the person whose body I am entering for it to make sense to me. After this thick thighs are a requirement, a necessity.

    Freedom is what I need for my life to be worthwhile. Not to be too much like Jules from Pulp Fiction, but I'd love to walk the earth like Cane from Kung-Fu and get into adventures. Eventually I will buy an island and daily walk around naked with my pack of malamutes and wolves.

    Working out makes me feel human.

    My hair is long for the first time in my life and I love it. I'll never cut it.

    I love social experiments. I use my size, my skin color and my wit to break down walls so that we are all on equal footing and can have a real conversation without the social barriers that political correctness erects.


  • DanTheMan

    I'm pressed for time here but these responses are all great, keep 'em coming.

    More about me:

    I get gas a lot. Maybe that's why I find it funny. I seem to have a sensitive digestive tract.

    I watch South Park and I laugh REALLY LOUD at Cartman. Music and South Park are my emotional outlets, and boy do I outlet.

    A lot of my job involves writing SQL queries, and it is one of the only things left in my life that I get any satisfaction from. I'm damn good at it for somebody who has no formal training at it.

    I have one friend, she is a lesbian that petsits for a living and she hasn't had a partner in ages and she doesn't shower very often, and she's really kind of weird but then again so am I, and we make each other laugh and are both ex-fundies.

    People who knew me when I was growing up usually viewed me with mixture of contempt and amusement. I have lots of bad memories.

    I wrecked a car the first time I drove. I've gotten better at it since then.

    I have an autistic brother, and I feel very sad for him because he's had a really crappy life. He has lots of bad memories.

    I think religion is mostly stupid but I don't think society can survive without it.

  • stillAwitness



    sexually repressed, hates long walks, hates walking period or any other type of sternuous activites.

    But loves museums, a man willing to pay for dinner, dessert and dare I say it? what the hell: the TIP too!

    Looking for honest, intellectual man who is good in math because I'm not and knows how to balance the hell out of a checkbook!

  • Oroborus21

    When did I get so fat?


  • lola28

    Okay I'll play.

    Lets see where do I start? Okay here it goes I am hispanic, short, and have very small feet so it is really hard to find shoes that fit ):

    I speak both English and Spanish and would like to learn Italian but don't have the time to learn it. I like tall men ( I don't know why, maybe because I'm so short?)

    I like animals, but I don't really like dogs. when I'm home I like to walk around without my top but I don't like to walk around without socks. I could never date someone that was a smoker because well they would smell and I just coud not deal with that.

    I love to read and I love music.

    I can't watch the news in the morning because it makes me feel sad, but I tape Judge Judy every day. When I read a book I read the last page first to see how it all ends.

    I like to talk to people but I am a loner. I don't let to many people into my world. You may think you know me but chances are you only know what I want you to know.

    I would never cheat on my significant other, or have an affair with anyone. I hate people that lie to me, I find it very hard to trust someone that has been dishonest with me. I don't know if I believe the notion that everyone has a soulmate or that marriage is forever.

  • Jordan
    Jordan...What is an easy, or I should say good, book to buy to learn how to play a guitar?

    My daughter bought one in the summer but she is teaching herself!

    Is there one book that you would recommend over the others?

    Me? Read? Lol. I did start with "Guitar for Dummies" but then I lost the book, alot of my learning has come from reading Monthly Guitar magazines, or just downloading the tablature from the internet... try you have to download a small program to play the files, but it's helped me no end...

  • Legolas

    Thanks I will email her the link!

  • JH

    OK, I'm 45 and I feel and act much younger, like 44

    I rather have no friends than have 10 ordinary ones

    So, if you're my friend, it's because you're "gold"

    I love freedom, but I'd sacrifice it for true love

    I drive an import, demon color

    I love drinking a few beers and listening to music

    Material stuff is not important to me, as long as I have the basics

    I'm very generous to people I really like

    I love cats

    Once you get to know me, you'll say, I'm like no other you know

  • DanTheMan
    I love sex but get bored with it. I need a connection with the person whose body I am entering for it to make sense to me. After this thick thighs are a requirement, a necessity.

    Oh yes, I'll never forget her...5'5", 180 lbs, big ol' ass and thighs, and for the 10 seconds or so that it lasted, it was the most wonderful sex I ever had.

    She wasn't too impressed with the 10 seconds part.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    (in my squeakiest mom voice):

    "daniel, the next time i am in ohio, you and dave and rex are all getting visits from me whether you like it or not."


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