Do you have an Evil Streak?

by misspeaches 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    Sometimes people do things too me that just rub me up the wrong way... And out comes Evil Miss Peaches....!

    I can't help it... This weird evil side of my personality displays itself.

    For example

    • If I'm in traffic and someone is tailgating me I deliberately slow down to a couple of KMs per hour below the speed limit. I get a real kick out of it too. I don't even care if I am running late. Evil Miss Peaches just insists that I GO SLOW! You can see the frustration on the faces of the drivers behind me. (Considering they are so close to my car as well.) My friends all know about it too. I'll be driving along and Evil Miss Peaches announces Oh no... My car is going slow!!! and my friends will automatically know that someone is tailgating me...
    • My flatmate has a boyfriend who I can't stand. And to make matters worse he has moved into our house. Now our bills have gone up, the house isn't as clean as I'd like it and I think that he can be a very mean guy. I just DO NOT LIKE HIM. Anyway Evil Miss Peaches does not like him either. You wouldn't believe what she does. When she cleans the bathroom sink and bathtub she always gives it a final polish with his bathtowel. Evil Miss Peaches loves the way it sparkles and I have to admit it does come up nicely. So I let her continue on....

    Does anyone else do things like this? Care to share?

  • lola28

    I don't really have an evil streak but if you make me angry I stop talking to you, right then, sometimes for weeks until I feel better or you apologize and I hide my shampoo from my sisters because if I don't I have to go out and buy some every three days.

  • blondie

    I think what you are describing is passive-aggressive behavior.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I think that I have an evil streak for sure. I just keep it subdued or the greater good. LOL.

    Mispeaches, next time you're being tailed and the driver behind you passes, flip em off with a grin. Nothing says FU like a finger with a smile.

  • lola28

    Blondie if this is in response to my post, first off my mom gets them their own shampoo but they like using mine to make bubbles in the water and after a while it can get expensive to go out and buy shampoo every three days.Also I would rather not speak to someone that I was upset with than saying something which could hurt the other person, once I feel better then I can talk.


  • misspeaches

    hmmmm passive agressive?

    but I get such a kick out of it! Its like they are getting their comeuppance!

  • chrissy

    LOL @ the evil miss peach. but what is commuppance?

  • carla

    sometimes I buy Lucky Charms (or other previously banned cereal) just to see if he will eat them. Does that count. I do it only to check up on his 'demon' mode which I haven't really found too much of as yet! I don't think he knows about that one though.

  • tetrapod.sapien



  • tetrapod.sapien

    and it's not a straight streak either. it's slightly curved...


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