Narkissos, yes I was there, 25 years ago wow, who would have thought, with what I know now I would be labeled an apostate too! All I can say is, if Vazquez really said that in a public meeting he has all the more my respect.
I must admit, he had guts! I guess the discrepancy with his official letter might be due to the fact he didn't know he had been recorded and/or the JC didn't hold that public statement against him. Anyway, even as you relate the event this was not a formal call to break away from the organisation -- rather a desperate attempt to change it from inside.
Yes, I agree. Fwiw, the hearsay echo I had from this story in the early 80's (I was in the French Bethel then) is that most of this congregation partook in the Memorial, and this raised the suspicion of the Brooklyn Bethel when they got the figures. If the tape had been sent to Bethel right away I doubt René would have been allowed to give the Memorial talk. No it was just Vazquez and Angulo who partook, I think maybe the others that agreed with them perhaps didn't have the guts to do so. René was able to give the Memorial talk because Bethel hadn't heard about what was going on until after. So many rumors went around after that, people were saying that they formed a group and that they believed they were all going to heaven, also, that René and one of the pioneer sisters in my hall Gloria Rodriguez eventually got together and had an affair, anything to make them fit the stereotypical Apostate, sad really. IC IC