JWs show up at my dad's surgery.

by Darth Yhwh 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Scully


    I'm glad to hear your dad's surgery went well, and I hope he makes a complete recovery.

    If it were me, I would be TOTALLY ticked with your mom. You realize, of course, that "Cody" would not have been there had she not requested the support of the Hospital Liaison Committee via her congregation. The hospital is not supposed to release information about any patient to anyone without the permission of the patient, and I'm guessing that it wouldn't have been your dad's choice to have "Cody" come and offer "support" to your mom. The only way "Cody" would have known to show up would be at your mom's request. She chose to have "Cody" there and treat you and your siblings like second class citizens.

    She probably also wanted "Cody" there in the event that the blood issue came up, in case you or your siblings decided to do what your father would want - "Cody" would haul out his Bible and try to bully you all into having it the JW way, even if it was contrary to your dad's wishes.

    This is the kind of JW bullcrap that infuriates the hell out of me.

  • Rabbit


    You mentioned the “Hospital Liaison Committee”. That’s exactly where Cody was from. I couldn’t remember the acronym on his ID badge or what it stood for until I read your post. Thanks for sharing your story. It helps to realize that I’m not alone in this kind of experience.

    Yes, those guys are very dangerous -- deadly actually. That's one of the reasons I mentioned them. Anytime they show up, people should perk up and watch them like a hawk. These vultures are wearing the proverbial 'sheep's clothing'. I am glad in your case your Dad lived thru that, I hope he keeps improving.


    I understand your sentiment... I wanted to sue, expose them, too. What stopped me was this: My Dad had lost his constant companion and only love of 55 years...nothing could bring her back. He went thru a terrible depression for quite a while. As much as I wanted to tell him about the deception I learned about, I just could not tell him about his (active) JW children being in on that 'lie by omission.'

    He's in his late 70's...I could not take a chance of destroying HIS relationship (for the time he has left) with some of my siblings by telling him what they did.

    However, when he is gone...my JW relatives will know my real thoughts on the matter, as well as all my non-JW relatives. They will reap what they sowed...


  • vitty

    Im really shocked that Doctors will discuss personal medical stuff , in front of other JWs that just happen to wander in. I know this cos it happened with my mother, she was asked a question in front of a family member. (he wasnt a close one ) I cant go into detail but it caused a hell of lot of trouble.

    I do know of other instances too. The medical staff should speak to the patient alone, at least he would know if they are being coersed.

  • Mary
    Scully said: You realize, of course, that "Cody" would not have been there had she not requested the support of the Hospital Liaison Committee via her congregation.....The only way "Cody" would have known to show up would be at your mom's request.

    Actually Scully they don't wait for an invitation from the family to show up----they just show up. When my dad was in the hospital in Toronto, my worldly sibling and I were there visiting with him and a brother from the HLC showed up. I was still a Dub at the time but I was suprised to see him because no one in the family had requested their presence. What happened is that one of the elders, knowing of dad's illness, took it upon himself to phone the Georgetown Bethel and request that someone from the HLC go to the hospital. While the brother was nice enough to us, I knew he was also there to make sure that no blood was used.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    What happened is that one of the elders, knowing of dad's illness, took it upon himself to phone the Georgetown Bethel and request that someone from the HLC go to the hospital.

    I think that this is also what happened in my situation. Although I wouldn't wager any of my paycheck on it though.

  • Scully

    Wow Mary.... that's amazing. I suppose to a good JW, the presence of the HLC would be comforting. I have known of a patient at the hospital where I work who would have LOVED to have the HLC there. Apparently none of this JW's family were JWs, and the elders, while aware of the patient's condition, did NOTHING to arrange congregational - much less HLC - support. I came on JWD that night and tried to get some info on Hemopure (Hemolink in Canada) so that this patient would have some options other than NO BLOOD. I also found out how to contact Georgetown and get the HLC involved.

    It absolutely made me feel sick to know that this patient was begging for her congregation's support, and it took an Evil Apostate™ like me to make sure she got it, because the local elders didn't seem to give a crap about her.

  • Mary
    Scully said: It absolutely made me feel sick to know that this patient was begging for her congregation's support, and it took an Evil Apostate™ like me to make sure she got it, because the ;local elders didn't seem to give a crap about her.

    What a bunch of slimeballs..........you should've made an anonymous phonecall to Georgetown saying you overheard the doctors were going to use blood..........the HLC would've been there faster than Captain Kirk getting beamed up.........

  • crazyblondeb

    Sorry to get in so late on this.

    Darth, I'm so sorry you, and all the others have to be subjected to these "blood enforcers". I really think some think they have "god-like" powers. The power of life or death.

    I've been a nurse for many years. I have had to interject myself into several of these situations. I've told this before, but I had a toddler who needed blood to live. Has soon as the "enforcers" got there, they badgered and bullied the young parents.

    I went to the surgeon, who went to the hospital attorney-- and within 2 hours we had a court order for guardianship to go to the hospital. The "brothers" were trying to get them to take the toddler and leave the hospital. I heard the tail end of this and it was all I could do to keep from going postal. I picked up the phone and called security--and gave them our "code" to also notify the police they were needed.

    The "enforcers" were escorted out to the police. They were told if they came back, they would be arrested for tresspassing and contempt of court. The look on their faces was ssooo priceless! And boy if looks could kill, I'd be dead when they realized what I had done. The young parents thanked me for taking the decision out of their hands in front of the "brothers". When they asked how I was able to stay a step ahead of the JWs, I told them my story. I got to spend alot of time with them over a couple weeks.

    The kicker was they tried to send 2 more brothers up the next day. By then I had made him a confidentail patient. The hospital couldn't even acknowledge he was a patient. I restricted visitors. All the nurses on the floor became very protective of them. These 2 new "enforcers" came wearing jeans and boots--casual look. When I took a break outside, I got to visit with them. They had already asked and got my name. This nurse volunteered to them that I "knew all about that cult cause I grew up that way." She went to call security and they left--that's when they ran into me. One of them started in on the "you should know better.....blah blah blah." Security escorted them out. But these "enforcers" called my supervisors, and their supervisors trying to get me in trouble. They tried for several weeks. But, of course, I had the backing of the hospital.

    Sorry I rambled a bit more than I should have. This topic gets MY blood boiling. 25 years ago, a utility trailer hitch fell on my little 4 year old sister. My parents refused blood and were willing to let her die because no surgeon wanted to touch her. So this is my passion.

    Can I make a couple suggestions, if anything should happen again? If possible, a couple days before the surgery contact the hospital social worker and let them know what might occur. Even though the doctor can't tell confidential info on patients, he can LISTEN to what you have to say. Believe me, medical staff would rather be alerted to what might occur. I've had the hospital attorney be on the floor to greet the "hospital liasion enforcers" and explain legal ramifications that could occur. That put the fear of someone's god in them."

    But the best thing, like was already mentioned. Try and talk about this topic as soon as possible. Get the nurses to help you explain the medical end of it, if you need. (Nurses have a way of showing the big picture--we tend to get testy if anyone dies on our shift!) If possible, refer or show them the articles where now it's a "matter of conscience". The doctors can explain alternatives, if it's possible.

    What every person needs is to designate a "Durable Power of Attorney for medcial" decisions if he is unable to make them. A Living Will can be overturned by family. Or even sign the blood permit. I had one patient that was a JW in his 50's. He said he wasn't leaving his grandchildren yet. He signed the blood permit when his JW family and friends weren't around. He told us and the doctor if he did need blood in surgery, not to tell his family. Confidentiality goes a long way.

    My heart goes out to all of you who have had to go thru all this needless torture. Especially for you non JWs, don't think you have to sit quietly while these jackasses could ultimately cause death. Get the staff involved, let them know how you feel. Stand your ground. You may just save a life. If you hurt your family's feelings, I say "Too bad".

    OK-sorry sorry sorry-- I'll shut up--for now!!!


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Thank you for sharing your story crazyblondeb. I really appreciate your advice especially considering your position. Your experience is invaluable.

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