Do you realize that now elders are forced to "set the example" and do menial tasks like mow the lawn, clean the bathrooms and "handle the mikes". There's no one left! All the young people are either gone, put on restrictions or simply not qualified to have "privileges". So now you see the teaching core having to do all the dirty work. Or you now see elders that are also the Accounts Servant or Literature Servant. No one is "qualified" to do it. Did you ever expect to see this happening with such regularity in different Halls?
Can You See ThatThere's No One Left To Do Anything Around The Kingdom Hall?
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't either but I know from reports that all the Halls locally have no men left. And the kids are always in trouble. The local Hall had a number of new appointments----from MS to elder. I know some of these guys. They never were considered elder or MS material but what are they gonna do? They need someone!
Greetings Minimus,
Those are tidings of great joy! Next I hope we hear of Kingdom Halls being put up for $ale.
"You best be believing in ghost stories, cuz your in one"
All the young people are either gone, put on restrictions or simply not qualified to have "privileges".
"Not qualified". LMAO!!! In other words, people are beginning to smarten up. There are not enough people who are stupid enough to do their menial shit for free anymore. Anyone with a brain has left.
I haven't been to the kh for a long time either, and I'm not even slightly tempted to go, but Linda tells me that there have been some very surprising ms and elder appointments in the last few years, and elders are having to do some of the more menial tasks nowadays. Knowing some of them from my time in the wts, they would find that somewhat demeaning. Serves the arrogant b**t***s right!