Can You See ThatThere's No One Left To Do Anything Around The Kingdom Hall?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Don't know about our local bunch - out for two years now.

    I was always one of the MS 'mules' at our hall. I was account servant, lit servant, did mikes, attendance, sound, cleaning, mowing, ect. I also did about half the Instruction Talks, and an hour talk somewhere in the circuit once a month.

    Sabbath day came January 2004 for me. Boy, I needed the rest.

    The local hall looks good when I drive by, so someone is doing the work. Always someone looking for 'privlages' I suppose.


  • ithinkisee

    I talked a little about how i got out of doing things ... here:


  • minimus

    It's wonderful that so many realize that everything is just a huge waste of time.Why work hard to be thought well of when the big privilege is to be able to pass the microphones. I'd rather simply pass wind.

  • Cellist

    I don't have any idea of what's happening inside the local KH. But it's in a rural setting and they've been cutting a smaller area of lawn. This summer they started rounding the corners of the lawn area instead of their usual squared off.


  • greendawn

    Does this mean that we are seeing some early signs of the cults downfall?

    The dubs have to spend enough time as it is for meetings, preparation, and preaching, they don't need to get loaded with "priviledges" on top of all that.

  • xjwms

    I go to the Hall once a year.

    Sooo, ... this is new, ... news to me.

  • Elsewhere
    Does this mean that we are seeing some early signs of the cults downfall?

    No. We should view the WTS as a company that is selling a product. The product they are selling is their particular flavor of religion.

    As with all products, the target market eventually reaches a saturation point and sales growth stops and stabilizes at a certain plateau.

  • 95stormfront

    I go to the Hall once a year.

    Sooo, ... this is new, ... news to me.

    Me too......only make my yearly trek to the memorial to keep the wife happy. It's SSSOOOOOOOOooooooooo important don'cha know?

  • Soledad
    Sisters drive semis and dump trucks.

    I just got the sickest visual-----a sister in a flowered skirt, tan construction boots, stockings, hardhat and white ruffled blouse driving a dump truck. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  • IP_SEC

    My old hall has two sick elders and two sick servants, and one fairly heathy elder. There are two bros in their mid life who are reaching out but no young folk. Low hours, dont giva damn attitudes. I love it.

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