Book Study Wk 20 11/7: pg 136-144: A SMALL HORN GAINS THE ASCENDANCY

by ithinkisee 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ithinkisee

    A SMALL HORN GAINS THE ASCENDANCY 20 “I kept on considering the horns,” said Daniel, “and, look! another horn, a small one, came up in among them, and there were three of the first horns that were plucked up from before it.” (Daniel 7:8) Concerning this outgrowth, the angel told Daniel: “Another one will rise up after them [the ten kings], and he himself will be different from the first ones, and three kings he will humiliate.” (Daniel 7:24) Who is this king, when did he rise, and what three kings did he humiliate?

    21 Consider the following developments. In 55 B.C.E., Roman General Julius Caesar invaded Britannia but failed to establish a permanent settlement. In 43 C.E., Emperor Claudius began a more permanent conquest of southern Britain. Then, in 122 C.E., Emperor Hadrian began to build a wall from the Tyne River to the Solway Firth, marking the northern limit of the Roman Empire. Early in the fifth century, the Roman legions left the island. “In the sixteenth century,” explained one historian, “England had been a second-rate power. Its wealth was slight compared with that of the Netherlands. Its population was much less than that of France. Its armed forces (including its navy) were inferior to Spain’s.” Britain evidently was an insignificant kingdom then, making up the symbolic small horn of the fourth beast. But that was to change.

    22 In 1588, Philip II of Spain launched the Spanish Armada against Britain. This fleet of 130 ships, carrying more than 24,000 men, sailed up the English Channel, only to suffer defeat by the British navy and to fall victim to contrary winds and fierce Atlantic storms. This event “marked the decisive passing of naval superiority from Spain to England,” said one historian. In the 17th century, the Dutch developed the world’s largest merchant marine. With growing overseas colonies, however, Britain prevailed over that kingdom. During the 18th century, the British and the French fought each other in North America and India, leading to the Treaty of Paris in 1763. This treaty, said author William B. Willcox, “recognized Britain’s new position as the predominant European power in the world beyond Europe.” Britain’s supremacy was confirmed by the crushing victory over Napoléon of France in 1815 C.E. The “three kings” that Britain thus ‘humiliated’ were Spain, the Netherlands, and France. (Daniel 7:24) As a result, Britain emerged as the world’s greatest colonial and commercial power. Yes, the “small” horn grew to become a world power!

    23 The angel told Daniel that the fourth beast, or fourth kingdom, would “devour all the earth.” (Daniel 7:23) That proved true of the Roman province once known as Britannia. It eventually became the British Empire and ‘devoured all the earth.’ At one time, this empire embraced one fourth of the earth’s land surface and a fourth of its population.

    24 As the Roman Empire differed from previous world powers, the king depicted by the “small” horn would also “be different from the first ones.” (Daniel 7:24) Concerning the British Empire, historian H. G. Wells noted: “Nothing of the sort has ever existed before. First and central to the whole system was the ‘crowned republic’ of the United British Kingdoms . . . No single office and no single brain had ever comprehended the British Empire as a whole. It was a mixture of growths and accumulations entirely different from anything that has ever been called an empire before.”

    25 There was more to the “small” horn than the British Empire. In 1783, Britain recognized the independence of its 13 American colonies. The United States of America eventually became Britain’s ally, emerging from World War II as the earth’s dominant nation. It still has strong ties with Britain. The resulting Anglo-American dual world power constitutes the ‘horn having eyes.’ Indeed, this world power is observant, astute! It ‘speaks grandiose things,’ dictating policy for much of the world and acting as its mouthpiece, or “false prophet.”—Daniel 7:8, 11, 20; Revelation 16:13; 19:20.


    26 Daniel continued to describe his vision, saying: “I kept on beholding when that very horn made war upon the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them.” (Daniel 7:21) Regarding this “horn,” or king, God’s angel foretold: “He will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time.” (Daniel 7:25) How and when was this part of the prophecy fulfilled?

    27 “The holy ones” persecuted by the “small” horn—the Anglo-American World Power—are Jesus’ spirit-anointed followers on earth. (Romans 1:7; 1 Peter 2:9) For years before World War I, the remnant of these anointed ones publicly warned that 1914 would see the conclusion of “the appointed times of the nations.” (Luke 21:24) When war broke out in that year, it was evident that the “small” horn had ignored this warning, for it persisted in harassing the anointed “holy ones.” The Anglo-American World Power even opposed their efforts to carry out Jehovah’s requirement (or, “law”) that the good news of the Kingdom be preached worldwide by his witnesses. (Matthew 24:14) Thus the “small” horn attempted “to change times and law.”

    28 Jehovah’s angel referred to a prophetic period of “a time, and times and half a time.” How long is that? Bible expositors generally agree that this expression denotes three and a half times—the sum of one time, two times, and half a time. Since Nebuchadnezzar’s “seven times” of madness amounted to seven years, the three and a half times are three and a half years. (Daniel 4:16, 25) An American Translation reads: “They shall be handed over to him for a year, two years, and half a year.” James Moffatt’s version says: “For three years and half a year.” The same period is mentioned at Revelation 11:2-7, which states that God’s witnesses would preach dressed in sackcloth for 42 months, or 1,260 days, and then be killed. When did this time period begin and end?

    29 For the anointed Christians, World War I meant a time of testing. By the end of 1914, they were expecting persecution. In fact, the very yeartext chosen for 1915 was Jesus’ question to his disciples, “Are ye able to drink of my cup?” It was based on Matthew 20:22, King James Version. Hence, beginning in December 1914, that small band of witnesses preached “in sackcloth.”

    30 As war fever took hold, the anointed Christians encountered mounting opposition. Some of them were imprisoned. Individuals, such as Frank Platt in England and Robert Clegg in Canada, were tortured by sadistic authorities. On February 12, 1918, the British Dominion of Canada banned the recently published seventh volume of Studies in the Scriptures, entitled The Finished Mystery, as well as the tracts entitled The Bible Students Monthly. The following month, the U.S. Department of Justice pronounced the distribution of the seventh volume illegal. The result? Why, homes were searched, literature was confiscated, and Jehovah’s worshipers were arrested!

    31 Harassment of God’s anointed ones climaxed on June 21, 1918, when the president, J. F. Rutherford, and prominent members of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society were sentenced on false charges to long prison terms. Intending “to change times and law,” the “small” horn had effectively killed the organized preaching work. (Revelation 11:7) So the foretold period of “a time, and times and half a time” ended in June 1918.

    32 But “the holy ones” were not wiped out by the harassment from the “small” horn. As prophesied in the book of Revelation, after a short period of inactivity, the anointed Christians became alive and active again. (Revelation 11:11-13) On March 26, 1919, the president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and his associates were released from prison, and they were later exonerated of the false charges against them. Immediately thereafter, the anointed remnant began to reorganize for further activity. What, though, would be in store for the “small” horn?


    19. According to one historian, how did Rome compare with the preceding empires?

    20. What did the angel say about the outgrowth of a small horn on the head of the fourth beast?

    21. How did Britain come to be the symbolic small horn of the fourth beast?

    22. (a) What other three horns of the fourth beast did the “small” horn overcome? (b) Britain then emerged as what?

    23. In what way did the symbolic small horn “devour all the earth”?

    24. What did a historian say about the British Empire’s being different?

    25. (a) In its latest development, what constitutes the symbolic small horn? (b) In what sense does the “small” horn have “eyes like the eyes of a man” and “a mouth speaking grandiose things”?

    26. What did the angel foretell about the symbolic horn’s speech and action toward Jehovah and his servants?

    27. (a) Who are “the holy ones” persecuted by the “small” horn? (b) How did the symbolic horn intend “to change times and law”?

    28. The “time, and times and half a time” are how long?

    29. When and how did the prophetic three and a half years begin?

    30. How were anointed Christians harassed by the Anglo-American World Power during World War I?

    31. When and how did the “time, and times and half a time” end?

    32. Why would you say that “the holy ones” were not wiped out by the “small” horn?

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I don't know the details, but is it really legitimate to call what the jw experienced persecution? So some guys were jailed and their preaching work was limited. I always figured this was because there was a war going on and the jw were loudly anti-government at the time. Once the war was over, the little horn went back to ignoring the jw.

    When compared to the persecution that jw's and other Christians have and now experience, this stuff about Rutheford really seems small potatoes.

    I remember the joy I experienced when I asked my wife several weeks back if she had answered the questions in the Daniel book. She said she didn't know about the fall of Babylon the Great in 1919. I said with my best poker face, "oh that was when Rutheford got out of jail."

    Same deal here I guess. Revelation is a dramatic and frightening book that speaks of earthshattering events. The jw tell us all these amazing events are fulfilled when some doofus gets let out of jail for being a pain in the ass loudmouth during a time of national crisis. No lions. No burning at the stake. No crucifixions.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    funny how big scriptures can be applied to little events, as long as the watchtower's representatives are involved. this is blasphemy if you ask me


  • Leolaia

    It is amusing to see how one wrong turn (interpreting the fourth beast as Rome instead of Greece) can facilitate all sorts of ridiculous interpretations by the Society. See my post last week on why the fourth beast was originally Greece:

    By interpreting the fourth kingdom as Rome, the Society misses the parallelism between the (1) "little horn" of 7:20-25 with a mouth that speaks "boastfully" against the Most High, who waged war against the saints and tried to change times and seasons, whose oppression lasted "a time, two times, and half a time" (3 1/2 years), and who is defeated by the "one like a son of man" who receives the kingdom for the saints (v. 26-27), (2) the "little horn" of 8:9-14, 23-25 who "a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue" explicitly described as part of the Greek kingdom (the he-goat), and who does all the same things as the "little horn" of ch. 7: he will "take his stand against the Prince of Princes" and "set himself up as great as the Prince of the host", he will "destroy the mighty men and holy people" and trample the saints, he banned daily sacrifice and offering, and defiled the sanctuary for 2,300 half-days (a little less than 3 1/2 years), and who will "destroyed not by human power", (3) the "coming prince" of 9:26-27 who blasphemously devastates the Temple and installs the idolatrous Abomination of Desolation (cf. 1 Maccabees 1:54, 2 Maccabees 6:1-2) there, who wages war and "all devastation" on the people, who "will put a stop of sacrifice and offering for the space of one half-week" (i.e. 3 1/2 years), and who will meet the "doom assigned to the devastator", and (4) the Greek Seleucid king Antiochus Epiphanes described in detail in 11:21-39, who "gains possession of the kingdom by intrigue" (cf. the "master of intrigue" of ch. 8), who "considers himself greater than all the gods" who "will utter incredible blasphemies against the God of gods", who waged war against Judea and against the faithful whom he "brings down by sword and flame", who "takes furious action against the holy covenant", whose forces profanes the sanctuary and "abolish perpetual sacrifice and install the Abomination of Desolation" there, and who will "come to his end with no help for him" at the time Michael "stands up" and the wise will rise from the dead and instruct people, "as bright as stars for all eternity" (11:45-12:4).

    The four visions clearly describe the same thing with different symbols and language, but by making the fourth kingdom Rome, the Society is forced to interpret the "little horn" of ch. 7 as someone (or rather, something) else than the "little horn" of ch. 8, and this allows them to stretch the "little horn" thousands of years into our day by construing it as the "Anglo-American empire" and interpreting THEMSELVES as the saints attacked by the "little horn" for 3 1/2 years. Of course, historically Daniel is referring to the persecution of Antiochus Epiphanes between 168 and 164 BC, and this is how the text was originally interpreted. Note, for instance, how Josephus interpreted the "little horn" of ch. 8:

    "Daniel ... saw a very great horn growing out of the head of the he-goat; and that when it was broken off, four horns grew up that were exposed to the four winds, and he wrote that out of them arose another lesser horn, which, as he said, waxed great; and that God showed to him, that it should fight against his nation, and take their city by force, and bring the temple worship to confusion, and forbid the sacrifices to be offered for one thousand two hundred and ninety-six days. Daniel wrote that he saw these visions in the plain of Susa, and he has informed us that God interpreted the appearance of this vision after the following manner....That by the great horn which sprang out of the forehead of the he-goat was meant the first king; and that the springing up of four horns upon its falling off, and the conversion of every one of them to the four quarters of the earth, signified the successors that should arise after the death of the first king, and the partition of the kingdom among them, and that they should be neither his children nor of his kindred that should reign over the habitable earth for many years; and that from among them there should arise a certain king that should overcome our nation and their laws, and should take away our political government, and should spoil the temple, and forbid the sacrifices to be offered for three years' time. And indeed it so came to pass, that our nation suffered these things under Antiochus Epiphanes, according to Daniel's vision, and what he wrote many years before they came to pass" (Antiquities of the Jews 10.11.7).

    As for the horns of the fourth beast in ch. 7, these were interpreted as referring to Seleucid kings, including Antiochus Epiphanes, in the third Sybilline Oracle (dating to c. AD 140). 1 Maccabees (dating to c. AD 125) similarly interprets Daniel as referring to Antiochus (cf. 1:54, 6:7, 9:27), and mentions him as "uttering words of extreme arrogance" (1 Maccabees 1:24), just as how he is described in Daniel as having "a mouth full of boasts" (7:8, 20), as being "arrogant of heart" (8:25), and as "growing more and more arrogant" by "uttering incredible blasphemies against the God of gods (11:36). This all pertains to Antiochus' claim to be "God Manifest", as attested in coins from his reign. As for the "little horn" attempting to "change times and seasons", we read in 1 Maccabees 1:45 that Antiochus required Jews to "profane the sabbaths and the feasts" and 2 Maccabees 6:6 adds that Jews coud not "keep the sabbath nor observe the feasts of his fathers".

  • Ingenuous

    Amazing how the Org uses half truths to support their current teachings.

    I just finished reading Russell's second and third volumes in Studies in the Scriptures.

    “The holy ones” persecuted by the “small” horn—the Anglo-American World Power

    Russell said the "horn" was Rome - first, "pagan" Rome, then "papal" Rome.

    For years before World War I, the remnant of these anointed ones publicly warned that 1914 would see the conclusion of “the appointed times of the nations.”

    They didn't just predict the "conclusion of 'the appointed times of the nations'". "The remnant of these anointed ones" also taught:

    Neither Israel nor the world of mankind represented by that people will longer be trodden down, oppressed and misruled by beastly Gentile powers. The Kingdom of God and his Christ will then be established in the earth, and Israel and all the world will be blessed under his rightful and righteous authority...

    True, it is expecting great things to claim, as we do, that

    within the coming twenty-six years [from 1889] all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved; but we are living in a special and peculiar time, the "Day of Jehovah," in which matters culminate quickly; and it is written, "A short work will the Lord make upon the earth."...

    Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the "battle of the great day of God Almighty" (

    Rev. 16:14
    ), which will end in A.D. 1915, with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced.

    In the Daniel book:

    So the foretold period of “a time, and times and half a time” ended in June 1918.

    During 1918, the teaching about the 3.5 times was the same as it had been during Russell's time:

    The time, times and half a time, or three and a half times or years (360 x 3 1/2 = 1260 days, symbolic time--1260 literal years), here mentioned, are elsewhere shown to be the period of Papacy's power...

    Since the close of the times of Papal power are not only thus clearly fixed, as occurring during the French Revolution, but also by the events of chapter 11:40-44, which mark the very year 1799, we can readily measure backward 1260 years to note whether Papal power had its beginning there...

    Measuring back 1260 years from 1799 would bring us to A.D. 539, where we shall show the Papal power began.

    What an absolute mess.

  • Schizm

    The 4th beast is Rome, a government that exercised Universal Rule. Rome is represented by the 6th head on the beast of Revelation 13. Rome was the 6th King.

    When Rome fell, the 10 horns then began to exercise Universal Rule. The 10 horns picture all governments that began to rule themselves after Rome fell. Collectively, they now reign as 7th King, and are represented by the 7th head on the beast of Revelation 13. The 7th head of the beast of Revelation 13 is the head that has the 10 horns, yes all 10 of them.

    The last to arise "little horn" that comes up among the 10 horns on the head of the 4th beast is the last government to exercise Universal Rule. This horn hasn't arisen yet. When it finally does arise it will be the 8th King. The 8th King will be a one-world government, a government that exercises Universal Rule even as did all the other 7 prior to it.

    The goat and its 4 horns (Daniel 8) represented Greece, which exercised Universal Rule just prior to Rome, and was the 5th King. The "little horn" that finally arose from out of one of the goat's 4 horns appropriately represented the next-to-arise government that would exercise Universal Rule, which proved to be Rome.


  • greendawn

    Rutherford was clever at making big issues out of small things turning molehills into mountains. He was also himself a big dictatorial persecutor of those that disagreed with his practices.

    A superficial even examination of the history of JW dogma will show that they are totally incapable of producing stable coherent dogma they lack sincerity, professionalism and therefore trustworthiness in this field.

  • City Fan
    City Fan
    The "little horn" that finally arose from out of one of the goat's 4 horns appropriately represented the next-to-arise government that would exercise Universal Rule, which proved to be Rome

    Chapter 8 of Daniel says 22 The four horns that replaced the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge from his nation but will not have the same power. 23 "In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise.

    The interpretation in Daniel 8 shows that the small horn that comes out of one of the 4 Greek kingdoms is a 'stern faced king, a master of intrique'. That would be Antiochus Epiphanes. He reigned towards the 'latter part' or end of the Seleucid Empire before the Romans and Parthians took over.

  • kid-A

    For the anointed Christians, World War I meant a time of testing. By the end of 1914, they were expecting persecution. In fact, the very yeartext chosen for 1915 was Jesus’ question to his disciples, “Are ye able to drink of my cup?” It was based on Matthew 20:22, King James Version. Hence, beginning in December 1914, that small band of witnesses preached “in sackcloth.”

    More historical revisionism of their own failed prophecies. In Russells original treatise, Thy Kingdom Come, he originally stated that the years 1910-1914 would be a time of "Fiery Tribulation" for the church, thus the beginning of the persecution was originally slated for 1910. Of course, nothing happened in 1910, and after the outbreak of WW1 in 1914, they simply seized upon 1914 as the original prediction, and let Russells 1910 prediction (which was also derived from Pyramid measurements) slide by the wayside.

  • jgnat

    I've never attended, but this is one book study I would love to comment at.

    It is ridiculous, to the extreme, to apply the world-sweeping prophecies in Revelation to the date a few men from an obscure religion were released from jail. Was their release timed to a catastrophic loss of world influence by the Anglo-American and Church powers? Hardly. The war was essentially done and those men were no longer a threat to national security.

    As C_Y_P said, the analogy does a disservice to the christian martyrs through history and around the world who've suffered far worse.

    Also, the suggestion that a corrupt world religion is running the world stage show no longer makes sense. Maybe back in the Bible Student days, when the Catholic Church regularly influenced colonial policy and were THE ruling church of their day. No longer. Could we realisticaly envision, in the near future , that the United Nations wipe out the other churches, then be destroyed themselves? Improbable, unlikely, unmotivated.

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