Jehovah was the creator and Jesus was the maker.
by onacruse 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jehovah was the creator and Jesus was the maker.
I made and make the universe.
Does the universe exist because you exist or do you exist because the universe exists?
the only universe I have ever known exists within my own mind
Look at sex. Sex has to be God's joke on mankind. It's messy, naked, jerky, ugly, and slippery. Any self-respecting young one, in sex ed class, once they catch on to what we're talking about , goes, ewwwwwwww! Yet we're hardwired to enjoy it.
Next, the sexes spend their entire lives trying to synchronize their libido. First the young men go running around looking for an outlet to stick it in to. Meanwhile, the young girls are going, ewwwwww! Later, when the mature woman's libido finally catches up, the poor man is wilting from exhaustion. And the young men are going, ewwwwww, wrinkly! Or, ewwwww, fat!
I think, therefore I am, I think? Not sure what that has to do with this thread, it was just the first think that came to mind after reading the first few posts.
If God created the universe then he is not in the universe. Since the universe is physical/material and the physical/material is all that creatures such as we can understand then is it any wonder that many have a hard time understanding the concept of GOD?
I'm inclined to believe that it is impossible for "nothing" to exist.
I am inclined to agree, but at the same time, we are hopelessly bound by the limitations of human semantics A being which by definition is finite (all organic life) cannot accurately conceive an object with no beginning and no end (the universe). . The very concept of nothing is limited by the premise that it requires a "something" to be subtracted from the equation.
The Greeks resisted the idea of "nothing" and refused to use ZERO. As a result, their math had holes in it and their philosophy was unstable. Aristotle couldn't stand the idea of infinity or the void and he influenced the West more than any other thinker of his time. The calendars were crap until the invention of the zero.
A great deal of nonsense has been perpetrated upon the human race because of the lack of ZERO. The early church father's thinking and pronouncements were imbued with the Greek ideas and, consequently, so was their orthodoxy tainted as well.
When the year 2000 was celebrated as the MILLENNIUM it became obvious to a great many mathmatically literate people that our education system was F'd up like crazy.
You see, the fact is, your intellectual equipment has been damaged by the failure to understand ZERO and the concept of "nothing".
Consequently, you pass on your lack of comprehension by posting such statements as I have quoted above in the widdle box.
. The very concept of nothing is limited by the premise that it requires a "something" to be subtracted from the equation.
And this is YOUR premise and it is limited.
With the invention of the number line it is easy to visualize.
.....-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10....
The Watchtower Society is a good case in point when they reckoned when Armageddon would come from 606 B.C.E. to 1914 (without any comprehension of the year "missing" [0]. When this was pointed out to them, not blinking an honest eye, they changed their infallible chronology to span the distance from 607 B.C.E. to 1914. In their damaged minds, it was "nothing" anyway to make their premise stay alive and sound and proven.
I'll bet you have no idea why digital clocks blink 00:00 when the electricity goes out suddenly and comes back on.
Let's say a child was born at one second after midnight in the year ONE. How old would he be in the year ELEVEN at one second after midnight?
When a rocket is being launched, why is the ignition not on ONE?
The Sacred calendar of God's so-called "chosen people" was based on lunar observations; yet, as we well know, the year is determined by the Solar trip the Earth makes. God's wee joke, I suppose. The Hebrew idea of Pi was 3; enough to make you wonder how God failed to inform them this would result in hexagons and not circles!!
Dismiss "nothing" all you like and have a good laugh. But, in so doing you damage your ability to comprehend other things as well.
If all we did was count "things" we'd only need to understand cardinal numbers. But, when we need to order a sequence (and we DO NEED to do so very precisely) it is of utmost importance to be fully informed of ORDINAL numbers as well.
The computer you use to type your sentences and make posts on the Internet would cease to function if the zero (nothing) did not exist for it is a binary system of 1's and 0's that is the very foundation of computing. An electric current is on or off (1 or 0) and that is no small thing for our machines, our technology and our state of the art superiority over the backward countries that still embrace the Greek abhorrence of the void.
Just as Greek Philosophy turned a blind eye to the nothingness that is the void, so, they were compelled (and compelled others upon pain of death) to postulate a CAUSE which was God. You have bought in to this silliness and cannot conceive otherwise.
Re-examine your premises and clean house conceptually before you join the crowd that is "inclined to believe" something so demonstrably evident to exist, but which is denied existence.
KNOWLEDGE requires integrity, consistency and the refusal to embrace mere BELIEF in the place of evidence.
This is the year 2005. What year would it be if you wish away those two 0's???
Perhaps around 300 AD the Hindus introduced a fully functional zero in a decimal positional system. They called their zero "sunja". It means empty space. When the notion spread to Baghdad perhaps around 600 AD the named shifted to the Arabic "sifr" which again means empty space. In Medieval Latin it became "ciphra". The Latin entered Middle English as "siphre" which eventually became "cypher" in English and "cipher" in American.This Hindu-Arabic system of representing numbers made its way into Europe by various means. There are traces of it as early as 976 AD in Spain. The person who deserves the credit though for introducing the system into Europe is Leonardo of Pisa, better know as Fibonacci, who wrote a popular text, Liber Abaci, in 1202. This text introduced Europeans to much of the mathematics preserved or developed by the Arabs, and in particular, to the Hindu-Arabic number representation system.
India was introduced to the concept of zero by the Babylonians who only used zero as a placeholder for dates. However unlike Christianity which tried to completely expel zero with religious argument Hinduism accepted zero and infinity quite readily. According to Hinduism the goal in life is to free yourself from having your soul transmigrate into other people to be reincarnated. To do this you must embrace the nothingness of your soul, so your soul or artman will be free to join the collective consciousness. This collective consciousness is everywhere at once and at the same time nowhere.
Zero’s Reincarnation
Indian mathematician transformed the idea of zero from the placeholder Babylonian view to the idea that zero was a number with a value. After some time the Indian people adopted a Babylonian style of numbering, however instead of base 60 they used base 10 which was easier for calculations. Also with the creation of Algebra Indian mathematicians did something that would have been impossible for Greek mathematicians to do. They gave up the tie between geometry and numbers. This allowed not only for negative numbers but also for zero. Both of which would have been impossible to show with shapes, how do you show a circle with and area of zero or negative five.
God was considered to be a zero in the hindu. S
Should our universe be destroyed another universe will instantaneously and spontaneously emerge to replace it.
Emerge from what? How can something, come from nothing? Why is it no problem for many to imagine the universe always just was, but not a god?
That's what always bothers me, if god made the universe, who made god? Okay, if god didn't make the universe, then who made the universe, oh, it just always was, doesn't sound like a much better arguement than the one for god.