by stillAwitness 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    FB- that's cool...however I'm no longer looking for nor need "signs". It's all here... I can't and won't ever worship a deity that plays games...and requires MENSA-like intellect...but then creates me inadequately. It's like "god" wants us all to understand DOS when we're all Mac's...

    But thanks for the thought. I'm glad it works for you.

    Wherever "it" is that we're all going...we'll all be there...eventually... and this will all be settled once and for all.

    U/D, I don't look for 'em either....you're right, it's all here already. I just try to respond to people according to their needs, cher....according to where they are coming from.....and according to what worked for me when I was where they are now. Hugs

  • kid-A

    Fearing death is the curse of sentience. But why fear death? We must live in the present and make the most of the time we have. Carpe Diem! You are still young with your whole future in front of you. Change the world, make every second count. Your final words should be "I came, I saw, I conquered"......When I think of death I think of the great humans I set as my role models, the great artists, thinkers, poets, philosophers, scientists, leaders, that changed the world with a single idea. All the power you will ever need is right inside already...waiting to be revealed. You dont need to look outside yourself or talk to an empty sky. Look within.

  • jgnat

    I am an intelligent introvert and though I was never a Witness I went through those very same feelings when I was a teenager. Rather than work it out, I took an escape hatch. I got pregnant. Though I sentenced myself to twenty years hard labour for that one, it did ground me in the NOW. When I get low I still have to do that, get involved in some activity outside of myself.

    At least that's a lot healthier than drugs or alcohol or the ultimate escape hatch.

    I think you will enjoy yourself a whole bunch more if you get involved in some sort of creative activity or hobby. The more you focus outwards, the better you will feel, and your life purpose will start sorting itself out. One of the magic lessons of life is we are happiest and the most productive when we do what we love. At least that has been my experience. And I'm feeling my age, too, being a grandma and all.

    If you have started considering the Ultimate Escape Hatch, please do go and talk to someone first, like a school counsellor.

  • GetBusyLiving

    It might help you at this point in your recovery to realize that if there is a God, it obviously DOESNT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU WORSHIP IT OR NOT because it hasnt in any way proven that it itself EVEN EXISTS. If anything given the logic we have from using our own brains it seems highly unlikely that there even is a God.

    You're gonna get over those panicy death obsession feelings eventually, and it'll be easier for you to get over it when you can quit going to those stupid JW meetings. Hang in there.. I've been there and tons of us on this board have too. You'll make it.


  • bigwilly

    Also, for what it's worth, I left home, moved to another state and tried to make a go of it as a JW there. I found that I recieved a much warmer and supportive welcome form my sister's "worldly" friends than I did from the local congregation. The new congo folks wanted nothing to do with me (even tho I was still a good little JW boy), my sister's friends on the other hand, welcomed me with open arms as if I'd been one of their friends all along. The moral of the story is; Even tho it's all very scary now, and you have alot of changes and unknowns ahead of you, you are not going to be alone. You have a good group of people here that will do anything we can for you. And the big scary world we were all taught to fear, isn't a bad place. And you will find more soncere and caring people on the "outside" than you ever could living within the narrow confines of the JW's.

    Big Willy

  • candidlynuts

    i think, in all honesty , that you have got to start believing in YOU.

    realize that you have a lot of living left ahead of you and find yourself, what you want to do, what makes you happy, what makes you feel proud of yourself, look for adventure, knowlege, fun,skills..worry about YOU for now. you are 22.. a lot of these feelings you are having are age related, but magnified because of the damage done to your psychi from being a jw who is told what to think.

    your coming to terms with thinking for yourself. dont be too hard on yourself and despair because your going thru a phase of grief. (yes we all grieve when we become disillusioned with the "truth")

    just please understand that it will pass.. that things arent hopeless and that you are a wonderful person with a lot of future ahead of you.

    as for religion, theres many,and all are based on what they believe happens after death.....worry about death when it gets to you.. your alive now.


  • Jez

    Your fear of death will eventually lessen or competely go away.

    It use to keep me up at night sweating, but now..I realize that it was an fear indoctrinated into for the purpose of control.

    Separate fear of death from fear of destruction. God will not destroy you for choosing your own path.

    Hugs from Jez

  • Cygnus

    Sometimes I have those same feelings. Then I remind myself that before I was born I didn't know I didn't exist, and the same will hold true after I die. So there's really nothing to be afraid of. What's the old saying? -- The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

    You have already seen how much support and good advice you get from the people here. What a great resource this message board and those like it are. So much better than relying on window washers from the local kingdom hall.

  • lola28


    Listen there is no one here or anywhere else that can answer your questions for you. What are we here for? Where do we go when it ends? I don't know, maybe we go to heaven maybe when we die thats it, who knows?

    Are we here just to go to school, work have some children and then die?

    No, I think we are here to enjoy the things that are around us, to enjoy our family our friends and all the beautiful things that are out there. I don't know what my purpose is, but I do know this, I am here to be happy, I am here to try and be a good person.

    Everything else is out of my control and when it all ends at least I can have the satisfaction of knowing that I lived my life the best way I could.


  • defd

    Listen there is no one here or anywhere else that can answer your questions for you. What are we here for? Where do we go when it ends? I don't know, maybe we go to heaven maybe when we die thats it, who knows?

    The bible answers ALL those questions and much much more.


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