If you don't belive in God and having nothing to do with JW's, why do you come here? I am curious because I come here to... huh... haven't figured that our yet, other than a support I suppose, so I don't feel alone.
This isn't the Let's chat about God board, we can chat about him or paperclips and their impact on modern civilization. I come here to gain new insight on issues of exsistance and philosophy, as well as help other JW's who are lurking here, reading our posts and gaining new critical thinking skills. I'm here to help and be helped, and even entertained.
Thank you for your kind post, Like I said before I cannot disprove God, I merely find his exsistance as deascribed by most christians to be improbable.
To be fair, I beleive there is something beyond death, what it is I don't know yet.
I have come across extraordinary things in my short 22 years of exsistance. I have come across proof of the exsistance of ESP among most of us if not all. I never beleived in such things until it was proven to me by my girlfriend, and then tried it myself. Needless to say, that changes ones' outlook on life. If such things exsist, what else might? I think ESP is a natural ability we all possess. I don't know about direct mind reading, but I definitley beleive we can see without eyes real places and things, and even strong mental images.
I have seen people 'see' color with just their fingers, felling what color they are touching. This can be scientifically explained. The things I speak of can be tested and documented in a laboratory, god cannot.
So therefore my current beleifs.