To All Here..... just a question....

by 7robert7 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    I respect that Dan. I don't feel God enjoys or wants to watch suffering, but he allows us as humans to choose what we want. I want to ask all of you one question, if I may.

    If you don't belive in God and having nothing to do with JW's, why do you come here? I am curious because I come here to... huh... haven't figured that our yet, other than a support I suppose, so I don't feel alone. Who knows. Anyhow, Dan, I really respect your opinion as my husband has the same views as you do.

  • dubla

    of course god doesnt enjoy watching suffering, the same way a parent doesnt enjoy watching their child grow up to make bad decisions. can a parent prevent their child from bringing harm on themselves? i suppose so, by keeping them locked in the house for eternity. but how obsurd would that be? the parent chooses to let the child make his/her own decisions, and sometimes those decisions are disastrous. how hard it must be for the parent to watch these things unfold. how hard it must be for god to watch man destroy himself.

  • roykaye

    Hi All

    Often you will find that those who do not believe in a creator do so because they DO NOT WANT to believe. No amount of persuation will change their minds.
    Those who left the WTS and became atheist or agnostic did so, not because of the teachings of the WTS, but because even when they were practicing JWs they had serious doubts about God.
    When they discovered the lies of the WTS they took THAT as an excuse to justify their disbelief in God.
    But the existance of God is not proved by the rightness or wrongness of any man made organisation. The existance of God is not proved by one's opinion or interpretation of the Bible. Many in this post feel that the God of the Old Testament was a cruel God. Apparently they have not read the Psalms, especially Psalms 23.
    These atheists paint the OT God cruel (and tribal)only to justify their atheism. The OT God was cruel with wrongdoers. If you want rampant and unrepentant pedophiles, rapists and murders to roam free, suit yourself. I'd rather they are punished. And if you call that cruelty, amen to that.

  • bboyneko
    If you don't belive in God and having nothing to do with JW's, why do you come here? I am curious because I come here to... huh... haven't figured that our yet, other than a support I suppose, so I don't feel alone.

    This isn't the Let's chat about God board, we can chat about him or paperclips and their impact on modern civilization. I come here to gain new insight on issues of exsistance and philosophy, as well as help other JW's who are lurking here, reading our posts and gaining new critical thinking skills. I'm here to help and be helped, and even entertained.

    Thank you for your kind post, Like I said before I cannot disprove God, I merely find his exsistance as deascribed by most christians to be improbable.
    To be fair, I beleive there is something beyond death, what it is I don't know yet.

    I have come across extraordinary things in my short 22 years of exsistance. I have come across proof of the exsistance of ESP among most of us if not all. I never beleived in such things until it was proven to me by my girlfriend, and then tried it myself. Needless to say, that changes ones' outlook on life. If such things exsist, what else might? I think ESP is a natural ability we all possess. I don't know about direct mind reading, but I definitley beleive we can see without eyes real places and things, and even strong mental images.

    I have seen people 'see' color with just their fingers, felling what color they are touching. This can be scientifically explained. The things I speak of can be tested and documented in a laboratory, god cannot.

    So therefore my current beleifs.


  • SixofNine
    . I don't feel God enjoys or wants to watch suffering, but he allows us as humans to choose what we want.

    What the fuh? The woman who was shot chose what she wanted? Hate to be cruel, but there are better things in store for those not afraid of the truth. Get them.

  • Naeblis

    Maybe later on this year I'm going to go to a tropical island and choose to be killed by the hurricane that hits it. *rolls eyes*

    God chooses to allow people to make decisions and by their own FREE WILL evil exists in this world right ?? Who's free will causes natural disasters? Why doesn't god at least take care of THAT??

    Your god is a joke.

  • MrMoe

    SixofNine - The woman who was shot, if you would have read more closely, shot herself. It was my mother and she committed suicide. The point I was trying to get across that as a 5 year old child I believed in God enough to find comfort in Him.

  • SixofNine

    Well my friend, I am truly sorry for your pain. I do hope you will reflect on the fact that your mothers choice, at the time, to her, did not seem like a "choice" at all. It was not "free will" in any reasonable sense of the word; more like "last resort". I do hope you take some comfort in that fact.

    As for your 5 year old mind, I'm glad you were able to take some comfort there as well, however you got it. However, many adults go through horrible things, and they all either cope or do not cope. Your beliefs about God may have helped you cope, but I'm sure you can understand how many people's bible based beliefs about God would give them anything but comfort. Generally speaking, it is not a book of comfort, no matter what religionist say.

    Personally, of late, I take great comfort in not having to believe that God, if he/she exist, watches suffering, and while able to help, does nothing.

  • Quester


    Your mom committed suicide when you were
    5 yrs old and your brother died of AIDS.

    Geez, sounds rough.

    Things like that do cause people to reject God.
    So I'd like to hear more about how you reconcile this.
    Did you go thru an anger-at-God stage because he didn't
    prevent these things from happening?

    Genuinely curious and still a believer.

  • gladiamout

    I too believe in God but I find myself being quite put out with him! He lets us be born impefect and then because we don't act perfect he is going to destroy us!!!!!!!!!! I feel like a piece on a chessboard and I am being played with and I don't like the feeling!!!!!!!

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