To All Here..... just a question....

by 7robert7 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    jdubla, if you are not intelligent enough to understand Joelbears point, you are not intelligent enough to enter into this discussion. Please re-read until the obvious is clear to you, then feel free to comment.

  • dubla


    lol, yes im very aware of joel's point, but thank you for your concern. here's an example for you both:

    were not egyptians allowed to cross the red sea with the israelites, the egyptians that turned and decided to follow god along with his "chosen" people? were they not allowed to join in with the chosen? where was this racist god during that event?

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I tend to agree in part with Joelbear about huamns inventing the qualities of Gods for the purpose of domination.

    I think, at some point in history, man discovered violence. Through the use of religion enforced by violence, we have the segmented society we live in today. Everyone thinks their faith is correct and others should convert or be destroyed. See the point? We are a poisoned species!

    Until we remove the desire to control and dominate other humans, we will never get past religion.

  • MrMoe

    Yes I belive in God. God chose the Isrealites/Jews becasue they did not partake in false worship (aka: idolitry.)

    If you were to find out your father was not really your biological father, would you deny you had a father or were ever born?

    Last: If there is not God, then how did the plants get here? Why is there gravity? Did it all just happen? How do you explain people who have encounters with "spirits?" I know spirits exist (no boo ghosts either) ever play with a Ouija? Those things are creepy.

    Joelbear: If your statement is true about God only accepting Isrealites/Jews, then why did some of the Egyptians accompany Moses and the Isrealites?

  • soylibre

    I believe in God....I believe in goodness....I believe in being a loving and kind person.....I don't know how much I believe in the bible's validity as the end all to all things spiritual...I am now a more spiritual person than I ever was as a JW... I was religious when I was a I have no religion...

  • dubla


    thank you, i tried making that point to joel and six, but got no response (i wasnt surprised).


  • JanH


    Last: If there is not God, then how did the plants get here?

    Heard about evolution? You seem to derive your belief in god from ignorance and lack of education. It's like someone centuries ago saying "if Thor do not exist, how come we have lightning and thunder?"

    Why is there gravity?

    It's essentially the same as saying why is there a universe. Good question, perhaps. But if there weren't a universe, nobody could ask the question. I think it's pretty obvious that answers to such questions can be found in physics, not theology.

    Did it all just happen?

    Probably, yes. It seems quite likely the universe originated from a form of quantum fluctuation.

    How do you explain people who have encounters with "spirits?"

    Mental disorders, hallucinations and lots of good con men. It's like asking why all these people meet Elvis.

    I know spirits exist (no boo ghosts either) ever play with a Ouija? Those things are creepy.

    Any decent illusionist could probably scare you pretty good!

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • JeffT

    I became a Christian before I became a dub.

    I left the Watchtower because I decided that it did not represent true Christianity.

    I'm now what I always was: a Christian.

  • MrMoe

    JanH- To say my views stem from ignorance and lack of education was a rude comment. I am neither ignorant or lack an education. If you would like, I could brag on my IQ and tell you how smart I am, but, I won't. I will say this, I am no dummy. I research JW's just the way I researched the bible. I feel the flood account is 100% accurate, but that is my opinion. Just as you have you opinion.

    It is not my point to argue with you, I feel I need God and it is my choice to believe in him based upon my research and the evidence I have at hand. I recall the scripture that says the earth was a circle and hung upon nothing. I believe, and you will never change my mind. I am sorry you do not have a faith in a higher power. You have no idea what a comfort it is to believe in God when you are 5 years old and your mother shoots herself. You have no idea to know what is like to pray to your Crreator when you brother dies from AIDS and to know that there he feels exactally what you feel. I pity you for your simplt mindedness, since I doubt you even know what a quantum fluctuation is. But, it is your opinion, I and I will not be so rude as to say you are ignorant and lack education.

    If you discover your father was not really your biological father, would you deny you ever had a father (or deny you even exist?)

  • bboyneko
    You have no idea what a comfort it is to believe in God when you are 5 years old and your mother shoots herself. You have no idea to know what is like to pray to your Crreator when you brother dies from AIDS and to know that there he feels exactally what you feel.

    Yeah sure is a loving god to let that happen when it is well within his power to stop that. He stood by and watched her shoot herself. How is that love? How would you feel about a friend who stood by and allowed your mother to shoot herself? Would you think his action 'loving' and 'kind'?

    This is my reason for not beleiving in God.

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