Jez: Your ability to surpress defensiveness is rare.
And just what is THAT supposed to mean? You saying everyone else is defensive? You don't even know us! How do you know whether we're defensive or not?
by daystar 86 Replies latest jw friends
Jez: Your ability to surpress defensiveness is rare.
And just what is THAT supposed to mean? You saying everyone else is defensive? You don't even know us! How do you know whether we're defensive or not?
See, you hide your true feelings about this thread from Daystar
My true feelings about the thread, since I've not mentioned them previously, are "Hmm. That's an interesting question. I wonder if anyone will have anything unfiltired yet constructively critical to say. I sat and I thought about it. I didn't have anything major. Just my minor gripe. That was mine because I find daystar to be an interesting person. It seems to me from public and private conversation that the guy is in some way on a similar path to me. He is older than me so perhaps he has an insight to my own personal attempts at self improvement. Anything I say to him has this as a partial motive.
BINGO! "Don’t stumble others" "Be careful what you say." "Season our sayings with salt" "Find a common ground with the householder" "Don’t disagree, redirect" There was always a way around any conversation stopper, masters at saying the right thing, at the right time. Starting with "baby food" and moving people onto more "solid food" as they became ready. Remember to try not to size someone up on the first ‘visit’, shoe-boxing people is what JWs do best. You think you know me already??? You don’t. I don't aim to please everyone, all the time. Sometimes I feel like I was taught everything backasswards. I have had to reevaluate every single friggin belief, assumption, value, etc that I ever had because most of them were tainted, skewed, unreal, based on a very narrow view of the world or not really mine. I am still doing that and may never be 'done'.
I don't think I know you Jez. That would be presumptuous of me. But you obviously have more life experience than me so perhaps there is a rhyme or a reason to the nature of the way you reply to people. Perhaps there is something to be learned. Knowing your intent for things gives me something to chew on in my head. It helps me process my own intentions to see modeled intentions and their outcomes. That was my intention in using such sentence precursors as "Perhaps" when assuming something that for all intents may be false.
My intent was not lost, it was not for all to get. I don't assume that all people will 'get' my intent
The statement was not meant to say that you failed in your intention with daystar. He as you have stated is seemingly unique or at least rare. It was merely to investigate the possibility of a good intention (constructive criticism) being lost in ill chosen words. This is my baggage. I have a tendency to just say what comes to my mind. I feel like a liar to do anything otherwise. My grandfather was the best business man that I know personally. He was a share cropper that retired very wealthy through sheer hard work and attentiveness. In his estimation I had burried in me some of his talents. In an attempt to pull them out of me, one of the last things he requested from me was to think about how I speak to people. "It will mean the difference between closed deals and beans for dinner."
And so don’t you think that your intent (to make me look at myself and my chosen words) is lost as soon as you started in on your little stick up the ass comment?
That was a poor attempt at humor. Perhaps it is lost in the fact that cold written words on a screen leave no room for the sarcasm captured in voice tonality or even a non aggressive facial expression. I was making a joke. As you said, I don't know you. In that state, I make jokes to bridge gaps. If I offended I offer an apology simply because offense was not my intent.
Oh, and as for saying that I seem like an intelligent person, why thank you for that unsolicited compliment. I will return it: You seem like the kind of guy I could sit down with and debate life, people, etc with for hours and actually enjoy it.It's a date. Wear something skimpy
The skimpy outfit is in the closet, waiting for an excuse to go out. I'll inform it tonight, that it at least got an offer.
Great talking with you. Jez
Geez Jez, why don't you say what you really think?
Skimpy outfits, okay, things are getting interesting.
Get off me dog.
LMAO @ Leogolas