...and all I was getting married for was sex. (What else?!)

by mrsjones5 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I pulled that from another topic because it reminded me of something my mother said to me just before I married my husband.

    First let me say that my mother doesnt like my husband. Her dislike for my husband has tempered over the years but it's still there. The few years of my marriage was rocky because I let my parents (mother) interfer, you would think I would have learned from my short first marriage . My poor husband, looking back, I wouldnt have blamed him if he had left my butt.

    Anyhoo I recalled my mother saying to me that sex wasnt a good enough reason to get married. I didnt have the heart to tell my mother that I had had a few partners and that I knew at my young age of 27 that sex was not some stable to base a marriage on. My mother then went on to ask me if I was marrying this man to spite her. I told her that my getting married had nothing to do with her. That's right I didnt want to sleep with my mother .

    I guess what I'm trying to say here is I think that's it's funny that some jw mothers assume (or perhaps they know from personal experience? hm that's a thought ) that their children are getting married just so we can do it!!


  • prophecor

    Gets to a point in so many marriages that the sex part becomes almost non-existent, so if anybodie's getting any, better get as much as you can before the provisions run low.

    Good Morning Nurse Jonsie

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Many witnesses marry for sex - I hope they marry the right person.

    Wifey and I married young - but we were lucky I guess - we were also in Love. 31 years now!


  • under74

    Well, I've never got married BUT I kind of think from growing up around JW women that most of them get married out of desperation. Maybe it's because you weren't deperate and falling in to line that your mom had such a problem with it....I don't know, just a thought.

  • coolhandluke

    I trump! I was dating a sister whose mother I became uncomfortably close to. Marriage was of course the plan. She would tell me about when she and her daughter went lingerie shopping and how wonderfully surprised I'd be. I kissed her daughter (defiled her as it were). She was in the same room watching TV but apparently didn't notice. uhuh sure. I believe that one. She was getting her jolly's from it. I got this lecture from her via her husband that that was the sort of kissing that her daughter was to enjoy on her wedding night. UM, okay?! She told me about her non existent sex life with her husband (did I want to know that, hell NO!!) Nasty all around. My grandmother said she was psycho and told me to get ghost from her because apples don't fall far from the tree. I gotta write a topic on this family.

  • freedomlover

    WOW! CHL - I have a very good friend who had the same situation with a witness mom.....weird, not-gettin-any old JW moms!

    I do think many witnesses marry the wrong person and way too young JUST for sex. I've seen it time and again. And then when they realize there mistake they can't get out of the marriage unless they commit "fornication!"

    Yikes, something is wrong with this picture....

  • jgnat

    Your story reminds me of my JW hubby's first marriage. The girl had controlling parents. The mother holds a patent on martyrdom.

    When the mother found out her daughter was pregnant, she fainted. Right there in the meeting.

    I am sure she started wearing black the day the girl got engaged to my husband.

  • gumby
    Many witnesses marry for sex - I hope they marry the right person.

    Wifey and I married young - but we were lucky I guess - we were also in Love. 31 years now!

    Me too Jeff. Married at 18 and been married 32 years at the end of this month. I didn't marry for sex. I was scared shitless on my wedding night..

    Got all liquered up and willy didn't wanna play till about 3am the next mornin


  • Mary

    Gumby said: I didn't marry for sex.

    Ya lying bastard, of course ya did! Why else does an 18 year old guy get married for?

  • Finally-Free
    Ya lying bastard, of course ya did! Why else does an 18 year old guy get married for?

    Maybe he was just looking for a pioneerâ„¢ partner.


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