...and all I was getting married for was sex. (What else?!)

by mrsjones5 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golf

    You were at the age of twenty-seven? Well, you could have pulled out the scriptures and showed her 1Thess.4:11, "But we exhort you brothers...to make it your aim to live quietly and to mind your own business..." I told that to my mom when I was young, the message finally sunk in.


  • mouthy

    Wifey and I married young - but we were lucky I guess - we were also in Love. 31 years now!


    Oh Jeff I was so pleased to read that .... God bless!! I hope you remain together for many years.

    I believe you Gumby!!! even if many wouldnt-I know you would never lie

    I was married at 16 yrs of age. ( had to) in my day if you got pregnant -YOU had to marry( I was NOT a JW) My husband spent the next 42 years (plus) telling me it was a shot gun wedding....Guess it was ...Oh well - water under the bridge eh???/I loved him all my life truly I did

  • Carol

    I married my ex in 1972, 7 months after meeting him he wasn't a JW. We were caught in a compromising position by a wordly person that knew my mother's best friend (also a JW)...we hadn't done anything yet, but were going to! She went to my mother, who after hysterics and yelling insisted I turn myself in to the committee. Which I did, confessing to something I hadn't yet done (after all the thought is as sinful as the action itself, right?) I was "Publicly Reproved" by the committee of three (of course not everyone in the congo had attended the DC yet, so they didn't know what that was and thought I was df'd). I was put through the ringer by these "brothers" and I wouldn't have gone through with the marriage if I hadn't felt I had no other choice, because I was "soiled".

    My divorce was final February 9, 2005.......we were married 32 years in September of 2004......we were seperated all but 15 years of that time!

    I got married for the wrong reason.......I should have just had the sex, enjoyed it and moved on! I'm not condoning being promiscuis, but I really think marrying too young and ending up in divorce court is as bad as fornication.

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