Born far did you go?

by wanderlustguy 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    How far from where you grew up do you live now? Did you leave to get away or to take ownership of your life and create a new destiny? Did you leave before or after you figured it out?

    I'm 1,000 miles away, my life is my own and a result of decisions made with minimal influence from others.

    Tomorrow I will be back's been almost 2 years this time. Last time I was there I still thought I was the one that was wrong.

    Not anymore.


  • forsharry

    Well..I grew up in New Orleans...and I came all the way up here to Virginia to get away from there...but I don't think my moving had anything to do with JWs...more it had to do with evil stepmothers and getting chased after with butcher knives.

  • wanderlustguy

    Wow!, I grew up in North in Virginia too...go figure!

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog


    I stayed put geographically, I did however spend 9 years in school and started using my middle name instead of my first name to "reinvent" myself and distance myself from how I was raised.

  • freedomlover

    UGHH....I hate going back home. It's weird how you can still be affected by certain people isn't it?

    I am trying to get out of my area so I can start over.....I think it's the easiest way to help myself at this point.

    I'll be moving about 1,000 miles away also....

    Good luck and lots of good vibes your way in dealing with going home again....hold your head up high! we'll be thinking of you.....

  • garybuss

    I live in the same town I have lived since I was 4 years old. I'd like to spend winters in a warmer climate and someday I expect I might get to. I plan to keep a residence here. Three of my four sons live nearby and my grandson live here. I'd miss my friends and my family if I moved for keeps.
    I don't associate with people who are mean to me or to people who are important to me, so I have nothing to get away from. This is a good town to live in. It's got a very strong diversified economy, a proactive city government, no state income tax, low crime, less than 200k metro population, good weather 6 months of the year, and fair weather 2 months of the year.

  • littlerockguy

    I wasn't born in. I was 17 when I when I became an "approved associate" and baptized at 19; left for good around 30; left area several years later and now I only live a couple of hours away since I do keep in touch with my parents since they are getting older. However when I left I still believed it but didn't want to live in it and put up with other BS that went along with it anymore. It was to take control of my life and find out who I am and no longer feel confined by living in a small town.

  • xjwms

    My parents were studing and got dunked when I was two.

    When I turned fifty, .. I took stock, at 9/11 I gave up. (2001)

    Gawd, ... fifty years.

  • forsharry

    Wow, small world indeed.

    I'm honestly happy to be out of La. I mean, I miss the culture and all, but after Katrina and having a lot of my family losing everything, I was more than happy to pat all of my materialistic belongings (ie, college refugee motif furniture) and count myself lucky.

    However, it is also VERY nice not to be bothered by the witnesses up here...cause I was pestered down there after I left the org.

  • colorado5591

    I think I got to like 3rd base with Jehoobert.
    Left when I was 17 moved 185 miles away, moved back @ age 20. By 22, I decided life was better 185 miles away. Close enough to visit the family, far enough away that they are not all up in our business and I have XJW anonymity here.

    Works out pretty well I think.


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